Meet the TeamAisha LysejkoHead of Employer EngagementAisha has centered her career supporting innovative, not-for-profitorganisations to scale their social impact, leading on Operations,People, Culture and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. With a backgroundworking with less-advantaged young people and nurturing early careerstalent, she is passionate about activating their lived experience as a toolfor change. Having personally experienced the systemic barriers facedby underrepresented individuals when starting her career in the legalprofession, she brings those insights alongside an evidence basedapproach to the design and delivery of our Changemaker work, helpingleaders and individual contributors alike to take practical action toachieve transformative change.Tom SlatterSenior Impact and Insights ManagerTom is an experienced educator who was formerly a teacher in southLondon state schools before transitioning to the charity sector, workingwith schools to run programmes focused on supporting young people toachieve their full potential. He is also responsible for The Brokerage’simpact work and is a keen advocate for the use of data and insight toinform practice. Whether it is using national data as a benchmark, ordata about job applicants or existing employees, Tom is keen to helpcompanies understand how they can use such insights to improve theworkplace. Tom is passionate about social mobility and looks forward toworking with more companies to create real change in the workplace.Jennifer HienSenior Innovation ManagerJennifer has an extensive background in education and youth-focusedinitiatives and currently oversees The Brokerage’s Academy strand;working with The Brokerage’s corporate partners to support youngpeople as they transition from education to work and providing her withinsight she is able to feed in directly to our Changemaker work. Havingcome from a low-income ethnic minority background herself, Jenniferalso understands the societal and institutional barriers faced by manyas they embark on their professional career and the importance ofunderrepresented youth having a voice. Her lived experience is a drivingforce behind her work where she strives to create more inclusiveworkplaces where young people feel like they
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