TF Brochure.Gary - Flipbook - Page 11
Pass through fittings for Tanks,
POA Box’s or Catch Pots
There will often be the need to run
With the outer secured on the
the dual containment between
custom spigot and the inner
and in/out of bunded areas such
fixed onto one of our Double
as chemical storage or mixing
safe hose tails the risk of back
locations to the point of application.
flow or blow out from the bund
is reduced. There is also no need
With the visible “air gap” between
for additional gaskets or grommets
the outer containment and carrier
as the kits include tank
we are able to offer a kit to achieve
connector fittings for all the
termination of the outer whilst
outer sizes including our 3”
allowing the inner and also any leak
to pass into the alarmed area.
Catch Pots and POA Box’s
Custom fabricated containment units
are used mainly inline for low level
alarm and drain off, joints/spurs or
with matched fittings / terminations to suit the
Double Safe hose supplied on the project.
Both traditional float switches and electrically
at the point of application. Placing
operated leak detection systems are
valves and other connections in an
available with a choice of cable or
alarmed enclosure ensures that any leaks
integrated sensor units.
at this transition can also be handled safely.
Once a leak has been detected our
We offer a choice of designs in various materials
designs allow for a configurable drain off
including Acrylic, PVC and Polypropylene and
assembly. As standard this would include a
also fabricate to desired dimensions if preferred.
ball valve and can be supplied with a single
But uniquely with every option these also come
or indeed dual contained drain off hose.
Process Engineering Supplies