SCHOOL EDITION 29 MARCH 2023 - Flipbook - Page 3
Saturday May 18
and Jersey Cattle - Cattle Rings 3-6
11:00 - SJ8 International Accumulator Main Arena
11:45 - Limousin Young Breeders
National Stock Judging Competition Cattle Ring 2
11:45 - Pig Pairs - Pig & Goat Ring
12:15 - Race Horse to Riding Horse
Class - Main Arena
12:15 - Donkey Display - CRL Arena
12:30 - Parade of Pigs - Pig & Goat Ring
13:00 - Dairy Interbreed Cattle Pairs &
Groups Championships followed by
Dairy Champion of Champion - Cattle
Ring 4 & 5
13:30 - Beef Junior Champion of
Champions - Cattle Rings 1 & 2
13:30 - Pair of Ewe Lambs - Sheep Rings
13:45 - Jason Smyth Adrenaline Tour -
Main Arena
14:00 - Open Blade Shearing Semi
Finals followed by RUAS Shearing
Senior Semi Finals followed by Ladies
Shearing Competition followed by
Open Blade Shearing Champ Final
followed by RUAS international
Shearing Championship Senior Finals Shearing Pavilion
14:00 - Working Hunter Horses - CRL
14:00 - Beef Pairs, Native - Cattle Rings
14:15 - SJ9 Grand Prix including
presentations - Main Arena
14:30 - Beef Pairs, Continental - Cattle
Rings 1 & 2
15:00 - Beef Groups, Native - Cattle
Rings 1 & 2
15:00 - Pair of Ram Lambs - Sheep
ALL SET: Under starters orders, from left, Lynda Hurley, Safe and Sustainable
Travel Division, Department for Infrastructure; David Tumilty, Health and
Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager, Public Health Agency; Una Carson,
Employee Support Officer, Translink; and Krysten Maier, Active Travel Officer,
Sustans; are pictured at the launch of the Active Travel Challenge in Belfast
city centre.
Employers urged
to sign up to
Bus and Train
Week challenge
MPLOYERS across Northern
Ireland are being encouraged
to sign-up to the Active Travel
Challenge for a healthier and
more environmentally-friendly
commute taking place June 1-30.
Translink has joined forces with
Infrastructure and Public Health
Agency, to launch the new initiative,
which coincides with Bus and
Train Week 2019, Translink’s annual
celebration of public transport, which
gets underway on Monday, June 3.
Now in its fourth year, Bus and
Train Week is one of the highlights in
Translink’s year, a Northern Irelandwide celebration of bus and train
services. The week will feature a
number of promotional fares across all
services – Metro/Glider, Foyle Metro,
Ulsterbus, Goldline and NI Railways –
to encourage even more people to try
the bus and train.
It is also a week which highlights
the vital role public transport plays
in the economic success of the region
and improving quality of life. With
over 84 million journeys recorded
on Translink services during 2018/19,
there’s never been a better time to
use public transport and boost your
active travel credentials!
Throughout June, employers are
asked to encourage staff to leave the
car at home and walk, cycle or take
public transport for at least some of
their journeys to, from and during
work. Participants log their ‘active
travel’ journeys online and can
compete with colleagues and other
companies to see who makes the most
Each week in June will have a
different ‘active travel’ theme, with a
range of prizes and incentives up for
grabs to motivate employees to join
the challenge.
Challenge registration is free and
there are a range of fantastic prizes up
for grabs including shopping vouchers,
sports watches and Translink tickets.
Find out more about signing-up
to the Active Travel Challenge by
uk/ or email
uk. Keep up-to-date with all the latest
ATC action on social media using
n You can find out more about
Translink’s Bus and Train Week 2019
promotions and special fares by visiting or following @
Rings 1-3
15:30 - Heavy Horse Parade - Main
15:30 - Beef Groups, Continental - Cattle
Rings 1 & 2
16:00 - Inter Hunt Chase - Main Arena
16:00 - Beef Interbreed Champion of
Champions - Cattle Rings 1 & 2
16:30 - Pair of Shearling Ewes - Sheep
18:00 - Pair of Shearling Rams - Sheep
8:30 - Schools Show Jumping - Main
8:30 - Cob Working Hunter - CRL Arena
8:30 - Children Ponies Ridden - P&O
Ferries Arena
9:30 - RUAS international, Open Heats Shearing Pavilion
9:30 - Sheep Interbreed Pairs
Championships - Sheep Rings
10:00 - Beef Young Handlers - Cattle
10:00 - Special Schools Dexter Young
Handlers - Cattle Rings
10:30 - Worshipful Company of
Woolmen Wool Handling Competition,
Novice & Open - Shearing Pavilion
10:30 - Group of Three Championship Sheep Rings
11:00 - Goat Young Handlers - Pig/Goat
11:15 - SJ10 Under 10’s Championship Main Arena
11:30 - RUAS International Shearing
Championship Open Semi Finals
followed by Novice & Open Handling
Finals - Shearing Pavilion
11:30 - Sheep Young Handlers - Sheep
12:00 - Beef Cattle Exhibitor Bred Pairs
- Cattle Rings 4-5
12:00 - Pig Young Handlers - Pig/Goat
13:00 - Beef Group of 5 Championship -
MAY 16 2019
Cattle Rings
13:15 - Jason Smyth Adrenaline Tour Main Arena
13:15 - Sheep Overall Interbreed
Championship - Sheep Rings
13:30 - Shearing/Wool Handling Teams
Test - Shearing Pavilion
13:30 - Special Olympic Parade - Main
13:30 - Working Hunter Ponies Phases
1&2 - CRL Arena P&O Ferries Arena
13:30 - Beef Group of 5 Championships
- Cattle Rings
14:00 - SJ11 Botanica International Main Arena
14:00 - RUAS International Open Finals
- Shearing Pavilion
15:30 - Mascot Race - Main Arena
15:30 - Cattle Parade Assembly - Cattle
16:00 - Cattle Parade followed by
Champion of Champions - Main Arena
17:15 - Jason Smyth Adrenaline Tour Main Arena