SCHOOL EDITION 29 MARCH 2023 - Flipbook - Page 2
MAY 16 2019
8:30 - Connemara Showing Ponies CRL Arena
8:30 - Ladies Hunter Riding Astride P&O Ferries Arena
9:30 - SJ6 International Spectacular Main Arena
9:30 - Perth Type Blackface, Border,
Leicester, North Country Cheviot, Blue
Texel, Bluefaced Leicester and Jacob
Sheep - Sheep Rings
9:45 - Connemara Ponies Ridden - CRL
10:00 - Royal Ulster International
Shearing Championship - Shearing
10:00 - Riding Horse Class - P&O
Ferries Arena
10:00 - Commercial Classes Including
Junior Championships - Cattle Rings
10:00 - Interbreed Performance Bulls Cattle Rings 4&5
Timetable of events Thursday May 16 –
11:00 - Jason Smyth Adrenaline Tour Main Arena
11:00 - Goat Judging - Pig/Goat Ring
11:30 - Side Saddle Balmoral Classic
Competition - P&O Ferries Arena
11:30 - Interbreed Stock Judging, Cattle
Rings 4&5
12:00 - Supreme Hunter Championship
- Main Arena
12:00 - Connemara Young Rider - CRL
12:30 - Donkey Display - P&O Ferries
12:45 - Registered Irish Draught Ridden
- CRL Arena
13:00 - National Wool Handling Final Shearing Pavilion
13:00 - RUAS International Semi Finals Shearing Pavilion
13:00 - National Shearing Semi Finals -
Shearing Pavilion
13:00 - RUAS International Intermediate
Final - Shearing Pavilion
13:00 - Lanark Type Blackface,
Kerryhill and Rouge de L’ouest - Sheep
13:00 - Kerry Hill - Ring 2
13:00 - Rouge de L’Ouest - Ring 4
13:15 - SJ7 International - Main Arena
13:45 - Assembly for Horse Parade P&O Ferries Arena
14:00 - YFCU Machinery Handling Cattle Rings
14:15 - Horse Parade - Main Arena
15:00 - Jason Smyth Adrenaline Tour Main Arena
15:00 - Connemara Ponies Working
Hunter - CRL Arena & P&O Ferries
15:15 - YFCU Ladies Football - Cattle
Take home a tonne of steel
EMPLEPATRICK based steel
stockholder Hannon Steel is marking
its Balmoral Show debut by giving away
a metric tonne of steel from its stand at the
Hannon Steel, which is open to the public
and operates out of the Karl Business Park
off Junction 5 of the M2 motorway, has
made steady inroads into the local steel
stockholding market since its arrival on the
scene just over three years ago.
“We saw an opportunity to hit that sweetspot between the major steel stockholders
and the large DIY stores or builders’
merchants,” explained Adrian Hannon, the
firm’s managing director.
“We have been quite successful in getting
a foothold in supplying small and mediumsized businesses and now we are focussing
on increasing awareness among individual
end-user customers.
“Farmers will often need quality steel at
short notice and in smaller quantities to
carry out a range of jobs in and around the
farm and what we do is ideally suited to
meeting that need.
“So, in many ways, it was natural for us
to come to the Balmoral Show and to try to
make a splash – giving away a tonne of steel
from our stand just seemed like a good way
to get talking to people and to let them know
what we can offer.”
n The Hannon Steel team stand is D5A, facing
the Spar Arena.
OPPORTUNITY: Adrian Hannon, Managing
Director (left), and Jonathan Whyte, Operations
15:30 - National Shearing
Championship Final - Shearing
15:45 - Celtic Storm Irish Dancers Main Arena
16:30 - Young Event Horse
Championship - Main Arena
17:30 - YFCU Tug of War - Cattle Rings
19:00 - The Clifton High Performance
Championshi - CRL Arena & P&O
Ferries Arena
8:00 - Performance Ridden Registered
Irish Draught Horses - Main Arena
8.30 - Maxi Cobs followed by Cob light
and heavyweight - P&O Ferries Arena
9:30 - RUAS International Shearing
Senior Heats followed by Open Blade
Shearing - Shearing Pavilion
9:30 - Hackney, Private Driving & Light
Trade Turnouts - CRL Arena
9:30 - Dairy Young Handler
Competition - Cattle Rings 4-6
10:00 - Celtic Storm Irish Dancers Main Arena
10:30 - ABP Angus Youth Challenge
Presentation - Cattle Ring 1
10:30 - JS Adrenaline Tour - Main Arena
11:00 - Wool Handling followed by
National Blade Shearing Final Shearing Pavilion
11:00 - Clydesdale Ridden followed
by Clydesdale in hand followed by
Clydesdale Young Handler followed by
Heavy Trade Turnouts and Farm Cart/
Agri Vehicle Class - P&O Ferries Arena
11:00 - Holstein, Ayrshire, Shorthorn