18562 Online Quaterly Newsletter V5 SINGLE PAGES - Flipbook - Page 28
You have a
Duty of Care
If your hospital linen is rented, you’re obliged to
take good care of it, and return it for cleaning.
If you misuse or throw away rented hospital
blankets, sheets, pillowcases or pyjamas,
this can lead to increased rental costs
and depleted stock levels, which is
not good for you, the hospital or your
patients’ comfort and safety.
At Elis, we are working with the NHS
to reduce the number of lost or misused
linen products, so that we can increase
service levels, reduce clinical waste,
increase product sustainability and assist
in creating a healthy circular economy.
Rent it
Respect it
Return it
Reuse it
To do that, we need you to play your part. So remember the 4 R’s.
If you need to know more call 0800 612 7237
or email uk-healthcare.marketing@elis.com