KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 29
Building support
the best care
Expanding fundraising from do-ityourself events
Growing our presence at the London
Landmarks Half Marathon
From the tip of the Himalayas to the steps of the
Hambledon Wing, we have nurtured a growing
community of fundraisers to find new ways to
support life-changing care at King’s.
During 2022/23, we expanded the size of our team in
the capital’s most iconic half marathon. A team of 50
supporters took part in the April 2022 event and we
then doubled that to recruit a team of 100 for the April
2023 race.
The Bakers’ story
On 1 April 2022, King’s world-leading liver team
removed George’s liver and replaced it with 25% of
his mum Catherine’s. Just six months later, the Baker
family took part in the Little Hospital Hike. The day after
the first anniversary of the operation, Catherine took
on the London Landmarks Half Marathon, with George
and the rest of the family cheering her on. She said,
“George was given a new liver that day but we were all
given more than we could have ever imagined. King's has
given us hope for the future but also the chance to enjoy
our daily life as a family.”
The Rices raise money for
Rays of Sunshine ward
After King’s world-leading
liver team saved Jake’s life
with a liver transplant, his
family raised nearly £30,000
to improve the hospital
environment for other families.
“We want to give every child a
chance to disconnect and feel like they
are in their own playroom at home. We would also like
to help make the stay of other families at the hospital
more comfortable,” says Olivia, Jake’s mum.
Ruth’s story
The lives of the Spurling family were forever changed
when their son Tom was diagnosed with cancer aged
just seven. Despite intense treatment, Tom’s cancer was
very aggressive and he sadly passed away just before
his eighth birthday. In memory of her beloved son, Ruth
is running the 2023 London Landmarks Half Marathon.
She said, “Tom loved London and he loved being active
but, most importantly, I know he would love to see us
doing something positive in this heartbreaking situation.
So, I'm running in his memory. And I’m raising money for
King's College Hospital Charity because King’s were there
for our family during the very worst of times."
Ronnie goes the distance
Ronnie Patel ran the TCS London
Marathon in recognition for
the incredible work of King’s
Volunteers at the hospital
where he took his first breath,
his grandparents took their
last, and he has both treated
others and been treated himself.
“This is now my chance to repay part of
the debt I owe the Trust. Having people who can add
that little bit extra that staff just do not have the time
to do I think is really nice for patient experience.”
Climbing 17,000 feet for King’s
Diabetic Foot Clinic
Professor Venu Kavarthapu, a
senior Orthopaedic surgeon at
King’s, completed an 11-day
Himalayan trek to the Mount
Everest Base Camp in just
nine days to increase global
awareness of foot disease affecting
diabetic patients, and to raise funds for
the Charity. “This is an often-neglected condition that
causes immense hardship to patients and even death.
The trek was a test of physical strength and mental
endurance, but I remained mindful of the purpose of
my participation in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Ruth and Tom
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