St Ives-a new millennium - Flipbook - Page 76
St Ives-a new millennium
3:52 pm
Page 74
Above: Angela Bush
Photo: Stuart Littlewood/Pentax MX
Angela grew up in a family where politics and involvement in community life came naturally. Her uncle, Alderman Bert
Burgess, was twice Mayor of St Ives and served on the old Borough Council and Huntingdon County Council for many years.
Her father, G W Burgess (known to everyone as Rubby) was a Borough Councillor at that same time. The pair made a
formidable team and were heavily involved in the rapid development of the town in the 1960’s and 1970’s, with Uncle Bert
the driving force behind the building of the St Ivo Recreation Centre.
After moving to London Angela took part in a number of nuclear disarmament demonstrations and in 1974 campaigned for
the Liberal Party in Barking, Essex. She put up for election to the Barking Borough and Greater London Councils, and served
on the local Race Relations Commission.
Returning to St Ives in 1982 she joined the Huntingdonshire Liberals (now Liberal Democrats), and was elected to the Town
Council in 1996. With a deep interest in education she was elected in 1982 as a parent governor at Westfield, where her
father had been a governor when the school was founded. Then, in 1987, she was appointed a governor of St Ivo. Any spare
time is devoted to theatre, music and “getting some fresh air”.
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