Stelrad - Fit for the Future - Catalog - Page 4
Limiting global warming
In December 2015, the U.K. was one of 197 countries that
committed to the Paris Climate Accord which is aimed at
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming.
The accord places a heavy emphasis on replacing
fossil fuels with renewable energy sources.
A climate emergency
In 2019 UK government declared a climate emergency. This means there is a
recognition that global warming exists and that measures taken up to this point are
not enough to mitigate it.
The imperative to arrest global warming
Government policy intended to drive action mitigating climate change, particularly
emissions of greenhouse gasses, will affect the specification of both new and existing
This will mean that both the building itself and the equipment installed will need to
be more energy efficient and less damaging to the environment.
Removing fossil fuel supplies
The policy is described by the Climate Change Committees (CCC) published paper
(UK Housing Fit for the Future 2019) - removing fossil fuel supplies to new buildings
before 2025.
The foundation of the policy is built upon the continued increase in the UK’s
primary energy generation being derived from renewable (largely wind farms) and
nuclear means.
New build building regulations
Government interventions, initially targeted at new build, will result in changes to
Building Regulations Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Power) and Part F (Means of
Ventilation) - making buildings erected ahead of 2025 ready to accept low carbon
technology (including heat pumps).
The future - nett zero carbon emissions
A second intervention will focus on the introduction of nett zero carbon emissions
and further increases of energy efficiency for existing domestic buildings and
new / existing non-domestic buildings. It is intended to prevent the installation of
equipment using fossil fuels within these building types.
The regulations driving this are planned to be published in quarter 1 2024 and be
mandatory at the beginning of 2025.
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