Business Manifesto 2024 v2 - Flipbook - Page 13
Actions for our stakeholders
Seek greater cross sector collaboration with key
partners such as universities, training providers,
Institute of Technology and business leaders to
identify and exploit wider digital collaboration in
areas such as Arti昀椀cial Intelligence (AI), with take up
of applications by the business community.
Lobby for greater investment and improved
timescales for faster, cutting-edge high speed
connectivity infrastructure including 5G and future
technology advancements for both rural and
urban business locations.
Actively grow the take up of support offered by
Staffordshire Police Cyber Crime Unit, to raise
awareness of the implications of cyber-attacks,
offering support and guidance to implement
actions to prevent cyber-attacks and grow the
number of businesses with Cyber Champions.
Create a coherent digital inclusion and
empowerment strategy that can be linked to
national best practise but localised to provide a
consistent and sustained support network, helping
our communities to become digitally con昀椀dent.