SJL Sixth Form Prospectus 2024 (3) - Flipbook - Page 45
Sir John Lawes School
Board: AQA (7662)
If you want to broaden your horizons and are fascinated by foreign countries, cultures and communication,
then this course is for you. This course does not only provide you with the skills to be able to converse in
that language, it shows your calibre as a learner, a multitasker, a communicator and strategic thinker, all of
which are highly sought-after traits in the employment market.
A higher level qualification is an enormous asset for university applications of any discipline. It is also great
fun and offers plenty of challenge. Language-qualified people are becoming increasingly rare in British
society, so a German A Level can really make you stand out. Modern languages degrees typically involve
spending a year abroad and this can be an opportunity to find work in a field that interests you and gain
relevant experience. Many big graduate employers are multinational organisations and are keen to recruit
candidates who are willing to work overseas and can liaise effectively with international colleagues. There
are a wide variety of career opportunities available to students of a foreign language, either those directly
using languages or, increasingly, where a foreign language is an additional required skill - for example in
accountancy, law, insurance, marketing, banking, tourism and PA work.
You will be intellectually challenged, taught in friendly and supportive groups and have the opportunity to
study more mature and interesting topics such as the rights of young people, immigration and media
among others. You will meet with the language assistant to discuss themes within each topic area using
authentic materials and will be expected to engage in independent study.
The A Level course goes excellently alongside other A Level options.
Students studying A Level German would be expected to gain a grade 6 or above in GCSE German, as
well as an APS of 4.5 or above.