Untitled document - Flipbook - Page 13
at Connected
Access activities
across the region
Liverpool Film Oïce joined forces
with the BBC to host an outreach event
at the Everyman Theatre for 110 local
college students.
We actively participated in careers fairs
and delivered presentations to various
universities and colleges, and forged
partnerships with organisations that
ofer training and experience to diverse
groups, such as the collaboration
between North East Screen and the
Grierson Trust.
Although this has been a pilot year, the impact of the Connected Access programme is beginning to be felt.
For example, following the Wakeoeld
community engagement day applications
for the Beyond Brontës programme (part
of Connected Skills) more than tripled.
North East Screen9s partnerships with
organisations that ofer training and
experience to diverse groups created
pathways into the Crew Academy. Notable
collaborations from year one include
Signpost Productions, through the Making
Creativity Works initiative with Beacon
Films, ITV9s Making it in Media course and
the training provider, Release Potential.