Untitled document - Flipbook - Page 11
HE/FE students
In Leeds, Screen Yorkshire hosted
a highly successful academic CPD
day, attended by 16 institutions at
Production Park in South Kirby and
VERSA Studios in Leeds.
North East Screen began to educate
and inform their existing FE/HE
network about the beneots of the
Screen Alliance North strategy, as
the foundation for the creation of
their Connected Campus.
Screen Manchester have
established connections with local
FE/HE institutions. Employing a
coordinator to arrange seed funding
has also boosted trial activity in the
In the north of England, the Connected
Campus initiative has emerged as a
transformative force, forging strategic
partnerships between educational
institutions and the olm and television
Since its creation by Screen Yorkshire,
Connected Campus has been adopted
across the wider region through Screen
Alliance North and has begun to bridge the
gap between academia and industry.
Connected Campus beneots students by
providing them with relevant experiences
and career pathways and enables industry
insights to be integrated into educational
programmes. At the same time, research
insights inform industry practice, helping
to address skills gaps.
All partners share the drive for inclusive
growth in the region and, by working
collaboratively, the beneots are multiplied
for all.