RWS AR 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 67
The Board appreciates that e昀昀ective stakeholder
engagement is essential to ensuring the long-term
success of the Group. Establishing and maintaining
good relationships with all of our stakeholders is
important to us and we have focused on increasing the
amount of Group-wide stakeholder engagement.
In respect of colleagues, following the 2022
engagement survey we set up a Group-wide
engagement plan that took colleague feedback,
examined it in the context of our strategic priorities, and
then focused actions in three speci昀椀c action streams.
These were:
Strategy and communications
Pay, bene昀椀ts and job architecture
Each action area was sponsored by a member of the
Executive Team and led as a speci昀椀c programme by an
appropriate senior leader. This central engagement
plan was managed as a critical strategic programme
through our Business Transformation O昀케ce ("BTO").
In addition, each division and function of the business
was tasked with developing its own action plan, with
monthly reporting to the BTO to ensure momentum is
maintained across the business at all levels.
The Group undertook its third Group-wide colleague
engagement survey in September 2023. We had an
excellent response rate of 84% (FY22: 85%), which gives
us con昀椀dence that the feedback we received through
the survey is statistically valid and fully representative.
The survey examined our people's opinions by
asking approximately 50 questions, clustered into
14 categories, along with the opportunity to provide
additional verbatim commentary where colleagues
wished to provide more detail. In combination, this
feedback provided us with a comprehensive picture of
our colleagues’ experience of working at RWS.
The Group engagement score was 61% (FY22: 69%).
We fully recognise that the external challenges we
experienced in FY23 and the Group’s response to
those challenges has impacted our overall employee
engagement score. Nevertheless, we believe we can
make positive progress in the year ahead.
Our highest scoring area was Trust and Respect (83%
favourable), followed by ESG Factors (82%), and Role
Factors (80%) which included questions about agile
working and how managers remove barriers to work.
Diversity was also a strong area at 72% favourable, as it
was last year. Our analysis and action-planning will focus
on both building on our strengths and addressing those
areas where scores were lower.
Voluntary colleague attrition levels have fallen to 11.9%
in the year to 30 September 2023 compared with 15.9%
for the year ended 30 September 2022.
We have long-standing relationships with the majority
of our suppliers and subcontractors. Our ‘voice of the
customer’ and ‘voice of the vendor’ programmes ensure
a continuous and neutral approach to listening and
learning – turning client and supplier feedback into
actionable insight.
RWS Holdings plc — Annual Report 2023