RWS AR 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 63
RWS runs a central experience management programme
for clients and suppliers. The RWS ‘voice of the customer’
and ‘voice of the vendor’ programmes aim to generate
an accurate and consistent understanding of our clients
and suppliers to build better experiences and positive
business outcomes across the Group.
Our communities comprise those living and working in
close proximity to our operations, and those who represent
the needs of the communities we operate in, including
charities, schools and universities. Operating amongst and
on behalf of our communities, we strive to maintain a deep
understanding of the complex social challenges that impact
them, whilst recognising our responsibility to contribute
to the sustainability and well-being of society and the
economy wherever we operate.
The RWS ‘voice of the customer’ and ‘voice of the vendor’
programmes ensure a continuous and neutral approach
to listening and learning – turning client and supplier
feedback into actionable insight. The Group-wide
experience management programme allows us to easily
understand the core drivers of client behaviours to act
upon and improve our business KPIs, such as renewals
and referrals, and support organic growth.
We strive to foster better relationships and two-way
communication with our suppliers, keeping them updated
on our requirements, as well as assisting with e昀케ciencies,
quality, insight, costs and reliability. We have also
implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct which sets out
the standards and responsibilities that RWS expects its
suppliers to adhere to when working with RWS.
Further relevant details are referred to elsewhere in this report:
Supply chain/value chain on page 54.
Sustainability report on page 25-35.
RWS is proud to partner with The Christian Hospital in
Indore, India and has helped transform its main operating
theatre into a modern environment that provides medical
excellence to the local community. The Group donated
£33,089 to support the transformation and the renovated
and modernized operating theatre o昀昀ers the Christian
Hospital’s doctors, nurses and patients many functional and
medical bene昀椀ts, including the ability to perform complex
surgical procedures. Medical sta昀昀 will also have access to
the latest imaging and x-ray technology that can be used
during surgery, reducing the risk of patient complications.
The RWS Foundation’s Appeal for victims of the
earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria raised £7,536 from
colleague donations and donated £5,000 to the Disasters
Emergency Committee Earthquake fund and a further
£4,000 each to the Turkish Red Cross and AHBAP charity in
Türkiye. The RWS Foundation also made further donations
of £22,463 to Clear Global, to help people be heard
whatever language they speak and £5,000 to UNICEF, the
UN’s Children’s Fund. The RWS Foundation seeks to involve
colleagues in the various countries in which RWS operates
in charitable organisations and causes.
RWS partners with the National Programme of Nutritional
Support to Primary Education in India. Under the scheme
the government provides funding for the supplies and
cooking of nutritious meals for primary children. During the
year the Foundation has reached the milestone of feeding 2
million children a day and their mission is to serve 3 million
children a day by 2025. RWS has also been working with the
Akshay Patra Foundation in India since 2019, o昀昀ering both
昀椀nancial support and expertise and volunteers to help with
their work and donated £15,804 during the period.
Our colleagues in Mumbai have developed a strong direct
relationship with Karelon Ka Guda Primary School in Udaipur
with team members cooking and serving meals for the
children, o昀昀ering mentoring programmes and vocational
training to pupils and making improvements to the school
environment by planting trees and painting murals.
Further relevant details are referred to elsewhere in this report:
ESG Social Community section on pages 33 to 34.
RWS Holdings plc — Annual Report 2023