RWS AR 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 53
Physical climate change
Time horizon
Changes in temperature and increased
severity of extreme weather conditions are
already being experienced as a result of
climate change. The risks associated with this
include increased energy consumption and
associated carbon emissions from systems
and disruptions in accessing facilities. RWS is
mitigating this risk by o昀昀ering agile working
options and investigating energy e昀케ciency
improvements at its o昀케ces.
Responding to Covid-19 has demonstrated that
remote working is a viable option. Enhancing the
remote working opportunities for RWS colleagues
across the globe will improve resilience to climate
change weather impacts by enhancing agile
working 昀氀exibility.
Some RWS locations are at risk of acute physical
climate changes events, such as 昀氀ooding.
Continuing to investigate ways in which RWS can
improve productivity aligns with the carbon net
zero strategy.
To mitigate this, our climate-related risk strategy
includes increasing investment in IT infrastructure
and the promotion of di昀昀erent working styles e.g.
remote. This allows more 昀氀exibility and ensures
the level of service remains the same despite any
restrictions caused by climate change.
RWS recognises that climate change will
increase the severity and frequency of extreme
weather events, potentially causing localised
disruption to supply chains and networks. To
mitigate this, the RWS long-term climate-related
risk strategy includes reviewing the location
of o昀케ces and improving the resilience of its
current estate portfolio, software testing labs
and recording studios.
Not only are site locations considered as part of
the RWS long-term business strategy, but also
their energy performance. By operating from
energy e昀케ciency buildings, our scope 1 and 2
carbon emissions will reduce signi昀椀cantly.
Chronic physical events represent both
a medium- and long-term risks. RWS is
investigating ways to limit its exposure to
damaging chronical physical events, with a
focus to build business continuity into its o昀케ce
network and supply chain through a responsible
suppliers network.
RWS Holdings plc — Annual Report 2023