RWS AR 23 Final Single pages - Flipbook - Page 28
Sustainability (ESG) (continued)
Arranged and published a World Earth Day interview
with CEO, Ian El-Mokadem, where he shared his
insights and thoughts on environmental preservation
and sustainability, including his personal commitments
and the importance on instilling eco-friendly values in
future generations.
Ran a ESG competition for the ‘Green O昀케ce of the Year’
and ‘Biodiversity Project of the Year’ to help champion
change and increase awareness of green o昀케ces and
biodiversity. Our Alnwick o昀케ce (UK), for example,
is utilising the o昀케ce gardens to grow potatoes and
strawberries, as well as built a pond and established a
bee habitat.
Invited colleagues to participate in a ‘Rivers Picture
Contest 2023’ where they submitted beautiful photos
of rivers and streams and colleagues voted for their
favourite ones.
Increased engagement with our global network of
environmental champions.
Increased awareness of corporate sustainability strategy
and initiatives by meeting and presenting to teams.
We are committed to:
The reduction of our Group-wide carbon emissions.
Complying with the spirit as well as the letter of all
applicable environmental legislation, approved codes
of practice and any other requirements not codi昀椀ed by
law to which we subscribe.
Emissions were calculated following the GHG Reporting
Protocol (Corporate Standard) using the Watershed
platform. Energy usage data was collected or estimated
based on building square-footage for all facilities, and
was combined with emissions factors from the US
Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), Ecoinvent,
Technical Compliance Rate ("TCR") and other data sources
to calculate GHG emissions. Electricity emissions factors
are chosen based on geography to re昀氀ect the emissions
intensities of the facilities’ local grid.
GHG Scope
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
All numbers are location-based
The ongoing improvement of our environmental
management systems globally.
Cooperating fully and maintaining positive relationships
with all regulatory authorities.
Supporting the environmental goals of the Group’s
Scope 1:
• Updated footprint to include comprehensive
information on building fuel usage in the previous
footprint, and added months of fuel data missing for
certain o昀케ces.
Scope 2:
• Watershed used more representative emissions
factors for district heat and supported with more
transparency in reporting.
Scope 3:
• Purchased goods and services – enhanced
reporting enabled us to split localisation agencies
and freelancers and use more appropriate emission
factors (agencies’ emission factor – 0.0840782073
kgCO2e / USD and now coded freelancers as
‘Independent artists, writers, and performers’ using
emission factor 0.0142133408 kgCO2e / USD).
As part of the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
("SECR") requirement, RWS is required to report its
energy and GHG emissions within its Directors’ Report.
As mentioned previously, during FY22 we improved the
accuracy of our footprint by improving our data collection
and GHG emissions to include both our operations and
supply chain, and committed to setting carbon reduction
targets which are aligned with SBTi.
As part of the development of our science-based targets,
and as a result of switching to an enhanced software
platform, we decided to recalculate our FY22 footprint to
ensure consistency in measurement and methodology.
This resulted in a more accurate carbon footprint for FY22.
RWS Holdings plc — Annual Report 2023
tCO2e (FY22 recalculated)
Some of the key changes include:
Cloud emissions – Watershed’s usage of vendorspeci昀椀c emissions factors enabled more accurate.
IT services and equipment – transparent
reporting enabled more accurate use of EEIO
emissions factors.