ESG Report 2022 single pages web - Flipbook - Page 72
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (continued)
Examples of our findings relating to risks include:
(one to three years)
(three to five years)
(five to 10 years)
Regulatory: enhanced reporting obligations
Physical: extreme weather conditions requiring mitigation and adaptation
strategies and business continuity planning
Financial: cost escalation and security of supply
Regulatory: enhanced and emerging reporting obligations particularly relating to
entire value chain
Reputational: increased requests from investors and clients for information and
pressure to reduce carbon emissions
Physical: increasing sea level rises and extreme weather conditions will increase risk
of business interruption and damage to property
Financial: increased pricing of GHG emissions
Regulatory: enhanced reporting obligations being introduced in short timeframes
Physical: extreme weather events increasing in severity and frequency which could
cause localised disruption to our supply chains and networks
Financial: ambitious carbon pricing and operational costs e.g. energy, insurance, etc.
Reputational: increased requests from investors and clients for information and
pressure to reduce carbon emissions
Reputational: resulting from interruption in business services or not mitigating
climate-risk timeously
Examples of our findings relating to opportunities include:
(one to three years)
(three to five years)
(five to 10 years)
RWS — ESG Report 2022
Regulatory: being an early adopter
Regulatory: transparency and clarity in reporting
Physical: reducing number of offices and improve resilience of current portfolio,
software testing labs and recording studios; diversification of technology connectivity
Financial: rationalisation of software applications across RWS, reducing carbon
emissions (energy/use of paper), increasing efficiencies
Regulatory: clarity and completeness in reporting
Reputational: improvement in reputation due to environmental initiatives
Physical: increased resilience due to investment in IT infrastructure
Financial: resilience as we increase participation in renewable energy programmes
and adoption of energy-efficient measures such as savings achieved from energy/
carbon reduction measures put in place (lighting sensors, LEDs, less air travel, etc.)
Reputational: increased reputation due to the approach taken by RWS in relation to
global warming
Reputational: corporate sustainability initiatives become a key differentiator for RWS
Physical: business continuity built into office network and supply chain
Financial: increased revenues due to new products and services and access to new
and emerging markets (i.e. electric vehicles, carbon capture technologies, etc.);
use of new technologies with increased energy efficiencies; resource efficiencies
achieved via supply chain