ESG Report 2022 single pages web - Flipbook - Page 16
Sustainability (continued)
RWS has identified the following key
stakeholders and is committed to
enhancing engagement with them all.
Regular reports and presentations at scheduled
Board and Committee meetings, including
operational reports, presented by the Chief
Executive Officer, and updates from the Chief
Financial Officer and other senior management
on a range of matters including strategy, financial,
treasury and tax matters, the approach to ESG,
health and safety, well-being, assurance and
controls, risk, ethics and compliance, cyber security,
colleague matters (including colleague engagement,
workforce and management diversity, gender pay
gap, workforce remuneration and related policies),
markets, operational performance, suppliers,
community, environment along with client and
investor feedback.
Unscheduled Board and Committee meetings
may be needed if the Board needs to be informed
of matters or when a decision is required before
scheduled Board meetings, trading updates, bids or
M&A opportunities.
Regular briefings from Executive Directors, senior
management and subject matter experts which
include details of engagement with stakeholders,
strategy, performance, local market and competitor
positions, operational and colleague matters and
client satisfaction and business development.
A rolling agenda of matters which are considered
by the Board and Committees throughout the
year, including a strategy review which considers
the purpose of the Company and the strategy to
be followed by the Group, which is supported by a
budget for the following year and a medium-term
financial plan.
Formal consideration of large bids, acquisitions,
refinancing, share buybacks, dividends and other
matters, including any factors which are relevant
to major decisions taken by the Board through the
year in line with the Delegation of Authority and
Terms of Reference for each Board Committee.
The risk management process and other routine
Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee
agenda items, as described later in this report on
pages 60 and 61.
Feedback from colleagues through responses to
the annual RWS engagement survey. See pages 36
and 37 for more information.
A focused approach to client engagement
through both face-to-face visits with our significant
enterprise clients and the addition of ‘voice of the
customer’ programme insights, tabled at Board
The Board is committed to enhancing engagement
and seeks to build honest, respectful and transparent
relationships with all of the Company’s stakeholders. As
with other large and complex companies, the Directors
fulfil their duties partly through a governance framework
which delegates day-to-day decision-making to the
Executive Directors and, within defined levels of costs and
impact, Divisional leadership teams. The Board recognises
that such delegation needs to be much more than simple
financial authorities and it covers areas such as risk, ethics
and new sector or country approaches.
The governance structure, which covers the values and
behaviours expected of our colleagues, the standards
to which they must adhere, how we engage with
stakeholders and how the Board looks to ensure that we
have a robust system of control and assurance processes,
is designed to drive high standards of business conduct
across the Group.
Our ESG Framework is structured around our key
stakeholders, and the Board has continued to focus
on our approach to and progress in delivering our ESG
In addition to the methods of engagement described
over the following pages, the interests of our stakeholder
groups are considered by the Board through a
combination of:
RWS — ESG Report 2022