ESG Report 2022 single pages web - Flipbook - Page 11
Last year, for the first time, our annual report included
disclosures from the Sustainability Accounting Standards
Board (SASB). In our SASB Index, we report on the sectorspecific disclosure topics contained in the Professional
& Commercial Services industry, which includes the
following disclosure topics:
RWS became a participant of the United Nations Global
Compact (UNGC), a voluntary leadership platform of
responsible business practices, in 2020.
Data security
Workforce diversity and engagement
Professional integrity
By including SASB’s industry-specific standards, we aim
to provide decision-useful sustainability information to
investors (see pages 64 to 67).
We became a signatory of the Task Force on Climaterelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in FY21, as part of our
commitment to transparency and ongoing improvement
of ESG reporting and included disclosures on our climaterelated performance and strategies in our 2021 annual
report for the first time. Many of the disclosures are
included in CDP Climate responses due to alignment
between the frameworks. Read more about TCFD and how
we manage our climate-related risks on pages 68 to 78).
The UNGC is a call for companies to align their operations
and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in
the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption, and to take action in support of UN goals and
issues embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals
The SDGs – 17 goals agreed to by all UN member nations –
comprise an urgent call for action in a shared blueprint for
peace and prosperity for people and the planet. We have
mapped the goals to our ESG disclosures.
Our commitment to sustainability is channelled through
specific goals which underpin our actions, operations
and reputation and are aligned with the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. We submitted our first
Communication on Progress report in June 2021 and, in
2022, submitted our Communication on Progress report
as part of the United Nations Global Compact’s Early
Adopter Programme.
In addition to the message from our CEO and statement
of continued support, which can be found on page 4, we
provide descriptions of practical actions we have taken
to implement the UNGC’s ten principles throughout this
Last year, also for the first time, we reported using the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and we will
report again, separately, for FY22 in accordance with the
GRI Standards.
RWS — ESG Report 2022