Birmingham Brochure Final(6) - Flipbook - Page 6
Most infantry regiments carry
their battle honours on Colours
(ceremonial flags). RIFLES Battalions
do not have Colours, but all Riflemen
carry 34 representative battle
honours (of 913 awarded) on their
belt badge. Some honours were for
great battles of national significance,
like Waterloo, the Somme, El
Alamein and Normandy. Others
are unique to The Rifles, such as
Marabout and Pegasus Bridge. One
scroll on the belt badge is left blank
for a battle honour yet to be won.
Delhi (1857) - 1/KRRC were stationed in India at the time of the
Indian Revolt of 1857 and fired the opening British shots of the
conflict. The Regiment subsequently took part in the Siege of
Delhi. They stormed the Kashmir Gate which was followed by five
days of brutal street fighting. Seven Victoria Crosses were won
by Riflemen during the siege.
Peninsula War (1808-14) - The 60th and 95th Rifles fought throughout the Peninsula
War. The Duke of Wellington described the 60th as "most useful, active and brave troops
in the field" and would go on to become the Colonel-in-Chief of the 95th (by then known
as the Rifle Brigade) from 1820 until 1852.
Lucknow (1857) - 2 & 3/RB took part in the Relief of Lucknow, which had withstood
a siege for 140 days. Three men from the Regiment, Captain Henry Wilmot, Corporal
William Nash and Rifleman David Hawkes, won the Victoria Cross at Lucknow.
Quebec (1759) - The 60th fought in the General Wolfe’s campaign to conquer
Canada. During the campaign, Wolfe witnessed the 60th advance quickly on a
river crossing and fight their way across. He was so impressed that he declared
that they were ‘Celer et Audax’ – Swift and Bold.
Calais (1940) - During the Battle of France, a small British force, which
included 2 & 7/KRRC and 1/RB, was deployed to Calais. Facing two armoured
divisions, the Riflemen fought for every inch of ground until, running low on
ammunition, food and water, they were forced to surrender. Their actions
bought vital time for the Dunkirk evacuations.
South Africa (1846-47, 1851-53, 1879, 1899-1902) - 1/RB fought
in the Seventh Xhosa War and, a few years later, 2/KRRC and
1/RB took part in the Eighth Xhosa War. 1, 2 & 3/KRRC were
engaged in the Zulu War. 1, 2, 3 & 4/KRRC and 1 & 2/RB fought in
the Second Boer War.
Copenhagen (1801) - The newly formed Experimental Corps of
Riflemen fought in the naval Battle of Copenhagen, acting as
marines aboard the ships of Vice Admiral Nelson’s squadron.
Their accurate marksmanship proved deadly when firing on
Danish shore positions, ships and floating batteries.
El Alamein (1942) - 1, 2 & 11/KRRC and 2 & 9/RB fought at the
Battle of El Alamein. During the battle, Lt Col Victor Turner,
2/RB, won a Victoria Cross. Turner’s Battalion fought off a
German counterattack consisting of 90 tanks.
Waterloo (1815) - Three battalions of the 95th took part
in the Waterloo campaign. At Waterloo, 1/95th formed a
skirmish line in front of the Allied centre. 2/95th and part of
3/95th fought in the area of Hougoumont for much of the
day. 2/95th then joined the 52nd in their flank attack on the
Imperial Guard, which broke them.
Ypres (1914,’15,’17, ‘18) - 1 & 2/KRRC fought in the First Battle of
Ypres. 3 & 4/KRRC and 1 & 4/RB took part in the Second Battle
of Ypres, 9 Bns of the KRRC and 13 Bns of the RB saw fighting in
the Third Battle of Ypres.
Normandy (1944) - 2, 11 & 12/KRRC and 1 & 8/RB fought in Normandy.
The KRRC played a key role in the capture of Caen and the closing of the
Falaise Pocket. The RB took part in Operation Goodwood, during which
the 8/RB badly mauled the 1st SS Panzer Division.
Afghanistan (1878-79) - 1 & 2/KRRC and 4/RB took part in the Second
Anglo-Afghan War. 4/RB were engaged in the opening battle of the war, at
Ali Masjid. 2/KRRC fought at Ahmed Khel and Kandahar.
Abridged timeline of historical names and amalgamations of Birmingham regiments from 1757 to the formation in 2007
60th (Royal American)
Regiment (60th)
60th Duke of York’s
Own Rifle Corps (60th)
The King’s Royal Rifle
Corps (KRRC)
2nd Green Jackets
Manningham’s Sharp
95th Regiment of Foot
The Rifle Brigade
3rd Green Jackets
The Royal Green
Jackets (RGJ)
The Rifles