Odiham District u3a Annual Programme 2023 - 2024Monthly MeetingsOdiham Districtlearn,laugh,liveSeptember 6thStephen Goss: The wit and satire ofGilbert and SullivanDiscover the witty commentary oncontemporary society with a look atthe stories behind some of Gilbert &Sullivan’s mostfamous, and less wellknown, pieces ofmusic. Uncover thethinly veiled satire,which motivated Gilbert to writecertain operas.December 6thTony Harris: Pantomime History andBackstage AnticsTony Harris is a professionalcomedian, raconteur andactor who specialises inhistorical talks with anhysterical twist. Those ofyou who saw his hilariousand very interesting talk on Henry VIIIin 2022 will not want to miss this. Thistime Tony will be in costume as apantomime dame.October 4thSally Botwright: A wander through StJames’sSally says, ‘Though I may not be takingyou on an actual walking tour ofLondon, I hope I cangive you the flavourof the area, not onlylooking at thehistory of thebuildings and streets but also tell youstories of the people who lived there.’January 3rdJohn Charlewood: Salmo Salar, TheAtlantic SalmonSalmo Salar-The Leaper is familiar tomost of us in images ofthe magnificent fishjumping up anapparently unassailablewaterfall but we may beless familiar with its fantastic lifestory. Sadly this noble species isverging on endangered and the talkwill explain the reasons for this.November 1stSusan Davies: Standing Up for TreesThe Woodland Trust is the UK'slargest woodland conservationcharity.They Plant, TheyRestore and TheyCare for our Woodsand treesthroughout the UK.Page 6February 7thDr Helen Matthews: BastardFeudalismThis talk addresses some commonmyths about illegitimatechildren of the nobilityand gentry, exploring thelegal loopholes whichcould be used to
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