Odiham District u3a Annual Programme 2023 - 2024GroupsOdiham Districtlearn,laugh,liveHistoryThere are two themes, the core approach isto study the key events and people inEnglish history using a chronologicalapproach and leaven this with talks onhistorical subjects or objects of personalinterest to members. Talks are given bymembers of the group so participation iskey and the success of the group dependson members being willing to contributewithin a friendly and welcoming group.Ken McAdam/Bryan East/Stewart KilpatrickVenue:Odiham Cricket ClubDay of the week:3rd Thursday 10—12 noonFrequency:MonthlyCost:£7 per termContact:via website, click/press hereHistory of World Civilisation Alyson HorneGlobalisation has changed our world . Thismakes it even more relevant and importantto understand the different cultures,histories and perspectives of othercountries and parts of the world.The world is your oyster andwe welcome contributionsfrom members based ontheir personal interest,expertise or tourist experience.Venue:Odiham Cricket ClubDay of the week:2nd Thursday 10-12 noonFrequency:Monthly except AugustCost:£10 per termContact:via website, click/press hereInvestments Group David RobottomThis group provides an opportunity forthose interested in investments and themoney markets to meet on a regular basisto discuss financial trends and to shareknowledge and experience which mayimpact on investment strategies. It is veryinformal; novices and experts alike arewelcome. A ‘fantasy’ share league (i.e. nomoney invested) provides a fun way forpeople to explain their investment choicesand pass on insights.Venue:North Warnborough Village HallDay of the week:3rd Tuesday 4—6 pmFrequency:MonthlyCost:£2.50 per session paid inadvanceContact:via website, click/press herePage 14
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