NRI Corporate report 2022 - Flipbook - Page 3
Although 2021 wasn’t dominated
by COVID-19 to the same extent as
the previous year, the continuation
of pandemic-related restrictions
affected our engineers’ ability to
carry out physical site surveys.
But, together with the nuclear
insurance pools, we adapted to
this restriction and successfully
conducted many of the surveys
virtually. At the beginning of 2022,
it is great to say that our engineers
are wasting no time in getting
back on the road.
Ratification of the Revised Paris Convention
2004 (RPC2004) dominated everyone’s time
at NRI and NRIE in 2021 but we got there in
the end!
NRI continues to pursue its net zero strategy
and our focus remains on broadening our
wider role and responsibilities within an ESG
framework. Thanks to data verified by carbon
analytics specialist Alectro, we can report
that NRI reduced its carbon emissions from
57.4 tCO2e (4.1tCO2e/employee) in 2020 to 15.3
tCO2e (1.17 tCO2e/employee) in 2021.
We were delighted to be asked by Lloyd’s,
in the summer of 2021, to support it with
a sustainability white paper looking at the
market’s future plans in the energy sector.
Lloyd’s chose to run a case study on nuclear,
and we are pleased that its Chairman,
Bruce Carnegie-Brown, has contributed an
extended article to NRI’s current corporate
report (on pages 18-21) on its plans to
support its customers through the global
energy transition.
I cannot finish my introduction this year
without commenting on the war in Ukraine.
The pooling community counts among its
members the Ukrainian Nuclear Insurance
Pool (UNIP), which was formed in 2003 with
the support of NRI. We have close friends at all
levels of UNIP and NRI, and the pooling system
stands aligned with them and in support of
their business. It has been incredible to witness
first-hand the courage and professionalism
of UNIP as it sticks to the task in hand. UNIP
has been very actively involved on a daily basis
in providing NRI, as the lead reinsuring pool,
with up-to-the-minute, accurate information,
as well as informing the panel of reinsurance
pools of the exposures that are insured.
A key objective of NRI and the reinsuring pools
is for us to maintain cover, providing we can
be assured that there has not been a material
change in risk and we are confident that
operations – “the controlling mind” – remain
with Energoatom and its plant management.
As of 16 May, I am pleased to say that this is still
the case. I would like to conclude by pledging
NRI’s support to all of the Ukrainian people
and, in particular, I would like to mention
Dimitry Rasshyvalov (Pool Manager), Larysa
Babenko (Underwriter) and Artem Zakharov
(Engineer), who are constantly
in our thoughts.
Mark Popplewell
Managing Director, NRI