NRI Corporate report 2022 - Flipbook - Page 17
NRI co-insures alongside SANP and has a
significant stake in the provision of insurance
services, including underwriting, engineering
and claims to South Africa’s nuclear operators.
The claims management
SANP’s members already had a claims
management agreement in place but,
during 2020, SANP, with NRI’s support, began
providing its members with a centralised,
bespoke nuclear claims management system
(CMS). The redeveloped system will ensure
that, should a nuclear incident occur, there
is a central point of contact and a single
application for all members, enabling SANP,
as the domestic insurance market agent, to
efficiently manage and track all claims lodged
against its insured parties. The system caters
for third-party nuclear liability claims and
comprises the following areas:
will maintain,
Roles &
Claims Handling
SANP has established a claims management
committee (CMC) for South Africa, whose
members developed all the elements of the
CMS. NRI is a member of the CMC and has
provided invaluable insight and advice which
have hugely contributed to the success of
the project.
The project began by designing a
governance framework outlining the roles
and responsibilities of all parties involved
in the claims management process. It then
drew up claims handling procedures for
operators, including emergency response
plans, as well as explanations of the role of
governmental organisations and the claims
handling landscape.
At a high level, the claims handling application
consists of two web-based parts: a public
website, where any claimant can log a claim
when they are impacted by a nuclear incident,
and a core claims management system,
where claims will be collated, analysed,
evaluated and managed in accordance with
the strict liability imposed upon operators
through the National Nuclear Regulator Act
1999, Act 47.
Bene昀椀ts of the CMS
The CMS has delivered several benefits to
SANP and its members. In the event of a
nuclear incident, key stakeholders’ roles and
responsibilities have been clearly identified.
Agreements have been put in place to
ensure that the necessary services, such as
application support, and medical and legal
services, will be available when needed. The
central point of contact for claimants to log
claims will relieve pressure on operators, who
are currently the main point of contact for
those affected by an incident.
The single application for managing claims
will help all SANP members, pools and other
payors to track funds paid out, expenses
incurred and claims approved for payment/
paid or declined. The application allows SANP
to track liability resulting from claims lodged,
management of funds and expenses incurred
to investigate claims.