NRI Annual Review 2023 - Flipbook - Page 8
NRI is a global leader in nuclear
insurance and provides specialist
solutions for civil nuclear
installation property damage,
machinery breakdown, business
interruption, nuclear third-party
liability, nuclear transit liability
and construction for over 300
nuclear sites around the world.
NRI is a global leader in nuclear insurance and
provides specialist solutions for civil nuclear
installation property damage, machinery
breakdown, business interruption, nuclear
third-party liability, nuclear transit liability and
construction for over 300 nuclear sites around
the world.
We represent the capacity of leading Lloyd’s
syndicates and insurance companies in the
UK, and combine this with capacity within
the nuclear insurance pooling system to
syndicate the finite nuclear insurance
capacity available globally.
Insures over 300 nuclear
sites around the world.
Represents one of the largest single
blocks of nuclear insurance capacity in
the world.
Is one of the oldest nuclear
insurers globally.
Nuclear power is vital to meet our
increasing global energy demands with a
secure, low-carbon source of power. NRI
is committed to making this possible by
providing the statutory insurance that gives
the civil nuclear industry the social licence
to operate, while reducing global emissions
and meeting climate targets to benefit the
world around us.
Insurance for civil nuclear power requires
specialist knowledge and the ability to
guarantee coverage in the event of a
nuclear incident. The expertise we have
gained from our long history working with
the civil nuclear power industry means that
we combine the best principles of nuclear
and the best principles of insurance to
consistently deliver for our customers.
Because of that, our customers get security from a world-leading specialist insurance
company with the strongest sector capacity and claims-handling solution in the event of
an incident.
They also receive added value from our world-class nuclear insurance underwriting
experience, and a deep level of technical engineering knowledge and expertise that
promotes best practice in nuclear safety and culture; fire protection; machinery
breakdown; equipment reliability; and electrical, mechanical and risk management.
Finally, NRI offers the very highest standards of quality, service and delivery.