RP7 Stakeholder Consultation WEB - Flipbook - Page 12
Preparing our business for a
digital and environmentally
sustainable future
Our ambitions for the future are
underpinned by a number of key
organisational changes that we consider
essential to driving transformational
change in RP7 and beyond. Chief
among these is addressing the
challenges of environmentally
sustainable operations, greater
digitalisation and workforce resilience.
Environmentally sustainable
We recognise our direct responsibility to
protect the environment and reduce the
carbon footprint of our own operations.
Building on our achievements in the
current period, we have developed an
Environmental Action Plan which sets
out what we believe are ambitious, yet
achievable, targets for the RP7 period.
Greater digitalisation
Digitalisation and data services are
widely seen as key enablers of net
zero ambitions. In its decision on the
approach to RP7, the Utility Regulator
stated, “Delivery of the Climate Change
Act and Energy Strategy will require
consumers to make informed choices
on how and when to use energy. NIE
Networks should set out its plans
to make data and system service
opportunities and platforms available
to consumers (or its intermediaries) in
conjunction with other stakeholders
Northern Ireland Electricty Networks
to inform these choices.”. The Utility
Regulator also requires that we develop
and set out a digitalisation strategy
and action plan that will consider the
information needs of consumers and
the information needed to manage the
network effectively.
Accordingly, our aim is to provide
the necessary IT infrastructure to
promote digitalisation of our data
and wider operations. Associated
with this ambition is the necessity
to consider the adequacies of our
telecommunications infrastructure and
cyber security capabilities. Together,
this will require a step-change in our
investment in our IT infrastructure in the
RP7 period.
Workforce resilience
It is essential that we have a highly
trained, motivated and committed
workforce that has both the capacity
and skills to deliver the ambitious plans
we have for RP7 and beyond.
We call this enabler ‘workforce
resilience’. We also recognise the
increased competition and demand for
skills across all sectors and as such
our goal for the future will be to stand
out as an employer of choice in the
changing world of work.
Our ambitions
for the
future are
underpinned by
a number of key
changes that
we consider
to driving
change in RP7
and beyond.