What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023 - Final Design - Flipbook - Page 56
Debbie Warren,
Chief Executive,
Royal Borough
of Greenwich
I quali昀椀ed as an accountant in 1980, starting as a trainee accountant at the
age of 18. I have worked at all levels within the Council, with almost 10 years
as Director of Finance, 2 years of which included the role of Deputy Chief
Executive, and currently Chief Executive since August 2017. I cannot believe
I am still going after so long. I have never experienced the challenges on a
scale of those that most councils across the country are facing today. Things
are as tough as I have ever seen them 昀椀nancially for the Council but the
challenge is even greater for the residents of my Borough. I am proud to lead
the organisation. There are many plates to spin whilst working together with
my management team and the wider organisation and its partners, working to
support my Leader and the councillors at Greenwich. A key driver for me is that
residents will always be at the forefront of my thoughts and actions. That is
why I am still going after more than 40 years of public service and still striving
to make a di昀昀erence. !
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To me, leadership is all about the people you lead, creating a psychologically
safe environment for everyone to thrive and 昀氀ourish. Great leaders Foster an
inclusive culture, where everyone has a true sense of belonging and people
feel free to contribute to the decisions that impact their work. To create this
sort of environment requires authenticity, compassion, the con昀椀dence and
resilience to be vulnerable in the face of adversity and the ability to engender
the trust needed to navigate through our modern working world, which is
frequently uncertain, challenging and ambiguous. Leadership also requires
radical ownership, being courageously accountable, open and transparent with
your team, taking responsibility wholeheartedly when you make mistakes,
and empowering your team to do the same. Leaders I admire the most inspire,
motivate and galvanise others to do their best, and do so humbly, humanly and
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Sandi Wassmer,
Chief Executive,
The Employers Network for
Equality and Inclusion
What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023