What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023 - Final Design - Flipbook - Page 49
I’ve always tried to watch and learn from those around me – how TO lead,
what good looks like and feels like and how NOT to lead based on much more
negative or at best neutral experiences. A smattering of leadership theory
is really useful: frameworks, theories, approaches and tools and techniques
that are in fact transferable to pretty much any situation that does not
require a deep technical understanding of a speci昀椀c functional area of work.
I have always sought out a formal or informal coach or mentor on a 1:1 basis
alongside a network of people wiser and more experienced than me that I
can call on, lean on and learn from. I think the more senior a leadership role
you occupy the more you need to think about how you are holding yourself
to account, triangulating whether you really are having a positive impact and
whether aspects of your behaviour or leadership are impacting negatively on
the organisational culture and the performance. Finally I think we should take
the work rather than ourselves seriously. Most of us spend a huge proportion
of our lives in a work environment dealing with some really tough issues. As
leaders we need to create an environment where its seen as positive to have
a bit of fun, to (appropriately!) lighten the mood and to get alongside one
another to do our absolute best for our organisations.
Rachael Shimmin,
Chief Executive,
Buckinghamshire Council
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Anand Shukla,
Chief Executive,
The Henry Smith Charity
I have worked in leadership roles for over 10 years now in a range of
organisations – advocacy and campaigning; service delivery and now in
a charitable foundation. Very di昀昀erent organisations then, but all facing
common challenges: maximising and measuring impact; managing growth and
development sustainably; governance and funding. No matter where I have
worked, non-pro昀椀ts inhabit a world where they are pulled in multiple di昀昀erent
directions by lots of di昀昀erent stakeholders (funders; sta昀昀; trustees and
hopefully also by user need and preference). In the course of my leadership
journey, I have tried to be as focused as possible on creating the conditions
where the organisation can perform at its best – by having clear and achievable
strategic priorities; keeping the mission front and centre of decision-making;
being relentless about implementation and focusing on your people and
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What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023