What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023 - Final Design - Flipbook - Page 19
Learning words:
reading, curiosity, discovery
The most prominent theme in more than 100 responses was learning: over 25%
of participants speci昀椀cally used this word. Studies have been completed globally
into what makes leaders truly e昀昀ective, with one school of thought suggesting that
the very best leaders today accept that they will never be complete. In such fast
changing times, when everything is a work-in-progress, how can we be expected
to know everything, and to get everything right 昀椀rst time? E昀昀ective and resilient
leaders use their self-awareness to maintain progress by constantly adjusting their
own approach to suit shifting conditions and di昀昀erent relationships. With the end
goal 昀椀rmly in mind, they can relate their own role and presence to the communities
around them, building rapport, co-operation and support, and adapting their style
to meet emerging priorities and moods. In an age when anything can happen, and
unexpected events frequently unfold overnight, an openness to learning is also
an essential part of being prepared to tackle whatever comes their way. Perhaps,
in 2023, we’re at yet another turning point in what will be required of leaders in
the future? As expectations continue to change within society, and within cohorts
of new workers, leaders have to exert in昀氀uence in di昀昀erent ways; ways that are
e昀昀ective in 昀氀atter and more equitable organisations. Modern leadership is all about
learning: being open to new philosophies and opportunities, being curious about
others’ experiences and stories, and being ok about learning from the things that
didn’t go as we had expected, and moving on.
I believe it was Albert Einstein who
said ‘the more I learn, the less I realise
I know’. So it feels with my leadership
What3Words Leadership Locations Report - A celebration of leaders everywhere and their personal journeys 2023