Day 2: Chambord to La Rochelle, 6 June 2023Photos: Andrew and sister Audrey dealt with the middaytiming, as the crews filed up the stairs to help themselvesto the, decidedly non-monastic, buffet. Some embarked ontheir own quest to view the final resting place of Richardthe Lionheart, the Crusader King who was interred here in1199 after receiving a fatal crossbow bolt to the shoulder.Once the plates had been cleared and the coffee drained,it was down through the cloisters and back into the cars foranother easy drive to the Section Puyraillard which took inanother huge slice of ancient French woodland. The shadewas welcome as soon afterwards two Tests around theSpeed Fun kart track in Bessines brought the day to a closewith two hot laps and the mercury showing 31°C.The MTC and night halt were at the opulent Maison desAmbassadeurs. The crews were free to make their owndecisions about dining in any one of the fine seafoodrestaurants within and without the old city walls.Brian and Catherine Scowcroft, 1950 Allard J2 ConvertibleKurt and Diethild Bock, 1960 Mercedes-Benz 300SLMarco and Claudia Halter, 1963 Ford Falcon CoupePaul and Mariella Kirkham, 1934 Ford Model 40 B
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