4 to 15 June 2023Day 2Chambord to La Rochelle (389.2km)Today we enjoyed another sun soaked, civilisedday, with two crossings of the Loire and a runalong its fertile valley. Drifting downstreamtowards the Bay of Biscay our night halt was in acoastal city known as ‘the gateway to the ocean’.On the way to La Rochelle we drove through someof the most important pages of European history.Leaving their modest billet this morning the well-restedcrews were taken on something of a tour of the groundsof the Parc de Chambord. A Passage Control in Le Cossonguided them through the Fôret de Russy and into the oldcity of Blois. Here they enjoyed a run along the northernbank of the river, followed by a climb through the vineyards6 June 2023of the Haute Loire and a section through La Dodinière andthe Foret d’Amboise. Miles of carefree highway led to theTime Control at La Doulce Terrasse in Villandry for a quickcoffee and pit stop, before a Passage Control on the RouteMarie Stuart under the green canopy of the Fôret de Chinon.We crossed the River Vienne in Chinon where, amongdozens of other notable events throughout the medievaland Renaissance years, Joan of Arc met with the Dauphinto raise an army against the English. The Maid of Orleansmight well have been on a mission from God, but wehad our own imperatives today. With a nod towardsthe Château, the Rally made directly for the lunch TimeControl in L’Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud. Here we satdown to a midday feast in the refectory, which echoed ourvisit to the Monasterio de Ribas de Sil during last year’sCarrera España.Photos: gerardbrown.co.ukCarlos and Martina Rieder, 1970 Alfa Romeo Berlinawww.rallytheglobe.com
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