Day 1: Deauville to Chambord, 5 June 2023Photos: and Louise Morton, 1932 Alvis Speed 20Francis and Marie Rhatigan, 1939 BMW 327/80The rally then turned its attention to another section to StLéonard des Bois before the lunch Time Control in the Caveà Bière. The sun was high in the sky and the temperaturenudging 29°C so the shady terrace and cold drinks of thecafe were exactly what the crews needed along with thedelicious plat du jour.The afternoon’s session involved a long pull along goodfast roads and a nod in the direction of Le Mans, the spiritualhome of Bentley and Jaguar. Despite having several of bothmarques with us, the Carrera gave the centre of town a wideberth, given that preparations for the 100th edition of oneof the world’s oldest motorsport events were in full swing.John and Catherine Harrison, 1917 La France RoadsterEnrico Paggi and Federica Mascetti,1964 Alfa Romeo Giulia SpiderA Passage Control at Cafe le Croissant in Savigny SurBraye offered another chance for the crews - and cars to cool down a little before they ploughed on to anothersection around Les Fossés and the last Passage Control ofthe day in Le Moulin de Lonlon. The crossing of the Loiresoon afterwards signalled the day was coming to an end andled the rally into the grounds of the Château de Chambordand the most impressive of night halts. The cars lined upalongside the ancient moat and, after the usual spannerchecks and perhaps a cool shower and a little liquidrefreshment, dinner was taken on the terrace overlookingthis magnificent piece of 16th Century real
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