RTG Gazette - Third Ed - WEB - Flipbook - Page 2
...continued from front page
We made these decisions early so that we can focus our efforts on
rallies we are more confident of delivering and that will be as safe as
possible in the circumstances. All entrants to cancelled rallies have
already been contacted to share their options with them. All of these
rallies, except for Carrera Atlantica, are insured against the risk of
cancellation due to a virus.
Now, the more positive news. You should have received an email
which was sent out to all Rally the Globe Members on 30th April which
details a pragmatic approach to our revised rally calendar, which we
believe is focused on events which our members will feel both safe and
excited to enter post-coronavirus. This starts off closer to RtG’s home
in the UK, before more adventurous voyages into mainland Europe
in 2021, then returning to even more epic international motoring
experiences in 2022 and beyond.
We have been delighted by the immediate response to the new
calendar and the levels of interest we have received already, which
is tantamount to the desire of vintage and classic car enthusiasts
wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible. Although there are
still uncertainties ahead, our new line-up of appealing and accessible
driving escapades will hopefully help to lift spirits.
We have also been working on defining our events within specific
categories, so you know what to expect based on the type of event,
and clarifying how we categorise vehicles based on their ages. Find
out more about this later in the Gazette.
There is a lot to report on since we last produced a copy of the Gazette,
but let me first start by wishing you and all of your families well at
what is a difficult time for all of us across the globe.
We at Rally the Globe have of course
been impacted by the restrictions
on travel and events caused by the
coronavirus pandemic across the
world, and unfortunately have seen the
cancellation of a number of our rallies
which we were incredibly excited about,
as we know the crews who were due to
compete were as well.
We have been overwhelmed by the
support and good wishes we have
received from all of our competing
crews and our wider group of Members,
team, friends, and partners, and we
thank all of those who we have been in
touch for your understanding, patience
and good humour.
Now, on to a more positive note –
the last couple of months have not
been wasted. We took the view that
most of 2020 will be written off in
terms of rallies and that in 2021, even
if restrictions are lifted, our Members
(like us) will not want to risk travelling
Open to entries...
4 to 9 October: Highland Thistle Rally
26 to 28 March 2021: Generations Rally
7 to 27 June: Ypres to Istanbul Challenge
2 to 12 October: Carrera Italia
29 Jan to 26 Feb: Road to Hanoi Marathon
Find out more about the above in this
edition of the Gazette, plus more plans for
2022 and 2023. For full rally details visit
www.rallytheglobe.com or contact us
on info@rallytheglobe.com
or +44 113 360 8961
Graham, Chairman, and Marina Goodwin
too far afield. Therefore, we have been
focusing on putting together an exciting
new calendar of events that we know will
have all our Members raring to get back
in their cars. The Rally the Globe HQ
team in their respective ‘home offices’
have been hard at work, researching,
plotting and contacting people all over
the globe to come up with some really
intriguing plans, and more details on all
these incredible rallies will feature later
in the Gazette.
We look forward to many of you
joining us back on the road in time, but
for now, stay safe – and we look forward
to seeing you soon.
Graham Goodwin