MKCF - Vital Signs Digital brochure FINAL - Flipbook - Page 18
Vital Signs - Disadvantage and Poverty
The danger of phrases like cost-of-living crisis and the amount of
airtime they received in the news is that they become commonplace,
and we become blaisé. The reality for thousands of children across
Milton Keynes though is now even worse than it was when these
phrases were 昀椀rst spoken.
Government help has dried up, savings have all gone, in昀氀ation
continues to rise, and the energy bill cap just increased again.
Teachers commonly report having to teach children who have not
eaten since their school lunch the previous day, or who are struggling
to focus because they are hungry and who worry constantly about
where their next meal might be coming from.
Paul Oxley, St Marks Meals
St Mark’s Meals Charity is a project of St Mark’s MK. Their aim is to provide
food to the most vulnerable children in Milton Keynes whenever they need it.
They store emergency meal boxes in schools across the city which sta昀昀 can
invite vulnerable families to take home any day they might need it.
Dreamsai Volunteer
Vital Thinking
How can we use the model of the
Child Poverty Partnership to expand
support for people living in poverty
in Milton Keynes?