Power 50 Publication - Flipbook - Page 29
Page 29
A special note
Tara Ruttley
NASA chief scientist and
keynote speaker
Hello Women of Power 50!
What an incredible adventure you’ve had in
your careers, and what a way to celebrate
thesuccessful leader you’ve become!
Throughout your careers, you’ve brought people
together from around the world to celebrate,
create, share, mentor, make memories, and
ultimately impact lives.
As a beneficiary of so many life-changing
experiences that the events industry has
personally brought me as a space scientist, I’d like
to say thank you for your dedication to being the
best you can be for the rest of us! May you
continue to be the light at the end of our most
challenging times, empowering us as human
beings to meet our very basic needs of
connection with each other.
I’ve been sending humans to space for over 20
years, and I’m inspired by you all, as we have
something very fundamental in common: to
impact all of humanity with what we do. Let’s keep
it up, the world needs you!
Congratulations on your achievements, and I
hope you really take this time to celebrate
with Micebook and your Power 50 sisters!
1st July 2022
Live at the Pan
Pacific Hotel