M Group Services ESG Report - Flipbook - Page 25
The larger operating
businesses have specific
targets relating to their
sector and report on these
individually within their
marketcentric Corporate
Responsibility Report.
Reach more students
Generate more STEM
through STEM careers
Ambassadors across
the Group
Continue to build our sustainable
and resilient workforce
Increase engagement with our
people through an enlarged
Group-wide People Opinion
Survey and feedback
Further investment in our digital
connection to our people:
StayConnected on Laptop,
PC, and mobile device.
Adoption of social value
measurement tools in line with
Themes, Outcomes & Measures
(TOMs) emerging best practices
Continue to work as active members
of industry bodies and steering groups
to support collaborative approaches
to addressing industry-wide issues,
challenges and opportunities
Participate and attend internal and
external events and conferences
and continue to communicate and
engage with stakeholders
Continue to develop and sustain
strong relationships across our
internal and external stakeholders
Supply Chain Sustainability School
partnership and active participation