FINAL EXTERIOR BROCHURE 171120 - Flipbook - Page 8
go greener
“We also offer full refurbishment to as
new for all our planters – the ultimate in
recycling meaning our products never
have to be thrown away.”
Don’t take our word for
In the end, it all comes
down to what’s known
as the Whole Life
Environmental tariff of a
material as to how green
it really is. There have
been many studies of this
but to take just one from
the automotive sector
“In 2003, BASF undertook a comprehensive eco-efficiency analysis
on a composite (fibreglass) part (a boot lid for Mercedes), versus the
equivalent part in steel and aluminium. The study considered the
entire ‘ecological fingerprint’ from manufacture of the raw material
to recycling of the finished part. Economy and ecology were ranked
as equally important in this sustainability study. The composite
(fibreglass) part came out as most favourable overall.”
So even today, Fibreglass has less environmental impact than any
other comparable construction material and with the growth in
its use in automotive, aerospace and green energy, such as wind
turbines, this impact will only decrease as newer and ever more
efficient means of recycling the material are developed .
YES to highly skilled workers, paid by ability and
productivity under UK and European Employment
NO to child or low paid labour in unregulated
factories in the Far East.
YES to production under the auspices of the UK
Health and Safety Executive with independent
auditors employed to carry out regular reviews
and recommend improvements.
NO to unregulated workshops abroad where
rainforests can be used to power furnaces and
workers may not have proper safety equipment
and training.
“Our philosophy is simple –
make beautiful products with
the minimum impact on the
At Livingreen we take our
ethical and environmental
responsibilities very seriously.
YES to beautiful handmade products, made by
craftsmen in the traditional manner dating back to
the 1950’s with no mechanisation other than the
hand-tools used for final finishing.
NO to manufacturing using energy demanding
high cost machinery e.g. injection moulded
plastics and metal fabrication.
In buying from us you can be
assured that you are making the
right choice to both minimise
your purchases effect on the
environment while providing
well paid employment in Europe
in safe working conditions.
We know that our customers
YES to using recycled glass for our fibre
value our commitment to ethical reinforcement matting and reclaimed plastics
trading and that with unlicensed wherever possible.
copies of some of our ranges
circulating which do not meet
these standards, we are always
happy to provide certificates of
authenticity as your guarantee
of quality. These are individually
numbered and recorded and
can be checked with our Head
YES to manufacturing locally, minimising
Office if there is any doubt that
our carbon footprint and using group haulage
ordering Livingreen Design
wherever possible for final delivery.
products means receiving
authentic Livingreen products.
We take all infringes of our
design and copyright very
seriously and always prosecute
companies caught passing
off inferior copies for genuine
Livingreen Design products.
Our philosophy is simple –
make beautiful products with
the minimum impact on the
environment. Join us in saying
YES to these key promises that
we make to anyone choosing to
buy Livingreen products:
YES to manufacturing in GRP which offers a
range of recycling options - including grinding up
to use as road surfacing, fibre separation to use as
insulation and as a
constituent in cement production.
NO to using exclusively virgin materials to
construct our products.
NO to transporting products thousands of miles
from Asia and the Far East.
NO to providing products, like many plastic
planters, that can only be disposed of in landfill