LR Peterlee Town Council Autumn 2021 - Flipbook - Page 15
Sports & Wellbeing
Peterlee Indoor Bowls group
meet every Monday & Friday
1.30 – 3.00 p.m. at
The Pavilion
Bowls is a popular leisure
acTvity, especially for people
over 55 years of age. It is a
great way to develop certain
skills, like coordinaTon and
precision, and it is a low
impact acTvity that can be
enjoyed by anyone. Regular
bowls playing will improve
strength, reduced risk of falls,
reduce mobilityHrelated
illness, and promote
longevity and health. Bowls
also has social beneIts, being
part of a group, chang,
socialising and being in good
company can reduce feelings
of isolaTon and loneliness.
Taste Buddies Bringing People Together
Taste Buddies is a great opportunity for adults to socialise, form new
friendships and have a great Tme with likeHminded people. The session
includes a 2Hcourse lunch which is served from 12.30 H1.30 pm with
opTonal arts and cra"s, social acTviTes, and fun quiz unTl 3pm. Our
volunteers are a great help, and we have opportuniTes if you would like
to o6er your services and become a volunteer. To book your place, or to
Ind out more informaTon on becoming a volunteer, please contact
Sharon or Elaine on 0191 5869957. £4.50 per session.
Peterlee 15