July 2020 online Lamberhurst magazine - Flipbook - Page 1
As I write this note we are still in
lockdown and the restrictions are being
gradually lifted. Social media is starting to
fill up with pictures of reunions with loved
ones and all at a safe distance (well
mostly!). In our family we are still awaiting
some precious reunions where distance
makes it difficult to simply have a day visit
and hotels remain closed. Coming out of
all this feels a bit like the slow emergence
of spring from the long winter darkness.
Suddenly the days feel brighter, the air a
bit sweeter, and summer evenings are
beckoning. By the end of the year I hope
some of our lockdown blues may prove to
be a thing of the past.
On the other hand, social media now
seems to be raging about all manner of
issues: politicians and prime ministers,
foreign leaders, neighbourhood disputes,
planning applications, fly tipping and the
perennial issue of dog fouling. It seems to
be the case that anyone with an opinion
or viewpoint will instantly be shot down in
verbal flames and insult. I wonder if the
stresses and strains of lockdown are being
expressed in the way we sometimes
respond to each other?
As Vicar of Lamberhurst it has been a
wonderful experience to see all that has
been happening through the lockdown to
keep village life ticking over and to see
neighbours and others showing care for
one another. When Reverend Roger and I
have made phone calls or sent emails to
church members and other local people it
has been remarkable to hear how well
people have been supported. On behalf of
the church family I would like to thank the
staff at the shop, the pubs offering
takeaways, the brilliant staff at the
doctor’s surgery and our wonderful village
Over the next few months the local
churches will bring to an end the lease of
the Parish Office. It has been a brilliant
resource for us to use and we are grateful
to the building owners for their help and
understanding. We are very blessed to
have Miranda as our Parish Administrator
and there will be several changes to the
way she works through the summer. Like
many churches most of our administration
and communication is done online and
there is less of a need for a designated
space. I hope we will soon be in a place to
announce the new arrangements.
We continue to meet online via Zoom for
our Sunday morning services. If you would
like to join us, please contact Miranda or
myself for the Zoom code. St Mary’s
Church is currently open 10am-4pm on a
Tuesday & Saturday for individuals to visit
the church. The Government have
recently announced that churches may
reopen for worship services and
weddings. We will alert of any changes
through our website, village Facebook
groups and direct contact with anyone on
our mailing list.
Reverend Andrew Axon
Vicar of Lamberhurst & Matfield
The cover photo this month is of part of
Mandy and Tim Cornick’s beautiful
garden, taken in June.