HAZCHEM Catalogue - Flipbook - Page 175
EN 343
Protective clothing against Rain
This standard is for PPE Clothing that is used for working in rain, snow, fog and ground humidity.
The garment and seams are tested for penetration against waterproofness, and are then given a
classification of either 1, 2 or 3, in addition to a breathability test which gives a classification of 1,
2 or 3. In both cases, the higher the number, the higher the protective level.
Waterproofness can also be measured according to EN 20811, a standard common with outdoor apparel. This
provides a result in millimetres of water column (mmH2O) or Pascal (Pa). A result with a water column >5,000 mm
(50,000Pa) is often classified as wind and waterproof. Premium specification outdoor jackets usually provide a water
column result of 10,000 mm.
Garments that are lined can typically achieve a Class 3 in both waterproofness and breathability (a 3:3 result), whereas
a unlined version of the same jacket can give a Class 1 breathability (a 3:1 result), the difference being in that the jacket
lining affects the water vapour resistance (breathability) of the complete jacket.
EN 511
Gloves for Protection against Cold
This standard defines the protection levels against cold hazards but is very different from the tests
for heat and often causes confusion. Unlike the EN 407 standard for heat it does not relate to any
particular temperature. In practice it is only really useful in comparing different gloves, for example
a glove with contact cold level 2 is warmer than a glove with contact cold level 1. A more detailed explanation of the actual
tests is detailed below for reference.
As you will note the physical test results are very difficult to understand and for most people difficult to directly relate
to real world situations. They are included below for A - Convective cold performance is tested using a model of a hand
which is typically heated to around body temperature. The outside temperature is reduced to at least 20 °C below the
hand temperature with a carefully regulated airflow. The amount of electrical energy needed to maintain the temperature
gradient, in simple terms to keep the hand warm, is measured to give an indication of the insulation properties of the glove.
The more power needed, the worse the glove’s thermal insulation (ITR) properties.
About Spill Control
There are both Individual and Corporate responsibilities and penalties associated with spillage
of liquids with current legislation ranging from The Water Resources Act 1991 through to The
Environment Damage (Prevention & Remediation) Regulations 2009. These regulations can
be complex to understand but at a basic level it is important to scope what liquids come onto your site, where they
are stored and where they leave. During any one of these movements or at any storage location there is a possibility
of spill and subsequent discharge into watercourse or land. Any un-restrained spill will almost certainly have an
environmental impact and needs to be avoided if possible.
Oil & Fuel
So, what is a spill? A spill can be defined as the uncontrolled release of a substance of sufficient volume and nature
to cause a threat to the environment and people. We recommend that you conduct a spill survey for your site which
considers the size of any liquid containers that you handle on site and consequently the volume of any potential
spill. Procedures and containment methods should be the primary method of reducing spills. Hazchem Safety
offer a comprehensive range of containment and spill control products which will enable you to be prepared for
any accidental spillage in the event of the primary and secondary control measures having failed. Appropriate spill
control products, with containment or absorbtion for the maximum likely spill, preferably in a mobile unit, should be
available at each risk location. The range and type of absorbents stored should relate to the liquids being handled
and the topography of the site. There are specific absorbents which should be used for oil and corrosive chemicals
as well as general purpose products. One of the Hazchem Safety spill control experts will be willing to discuss your
requirements either on your site or by phone call.
Donside Safety T: +44 (0)1224 707468