Haon Brochure 2023 - Flipbook - Page 28
Hobby & Creative
Sometimes you just need a
place and space where you can
enjoy your hobbies and explore
your dreams!
Maybe there’s simply not
enough room in your home to
contain that amazing train
collection, those space-Þlling
bikes, or to keep your sewingmachines and equipment, never
mind the fabric, mannequin and
ribbons to go along with them!
Or, you just want peace and
quiet to create your paintings,
or photograph those incredible
portraits, in your very own
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Even if it’s not something so
creative and you just want
somewhere to show off your
valuable collection of ßy-Þshing
gear and be the envy of all your
friends, these are just a few
reasons why our clients come
to us!
We’ll take your ideas and
speciÞcations, put our Haon
Garden Room sparkle onto
them, and create you the most
beautiful garden Hobby Room
or Studio.