Needs Analysis 2022 FLIP - Manual / Resource - Page 20
3. Employability and skills training
As of April 2021, across Kent districts, Gravesham had the
second highest rate of people claiming unemployment
benefits (JSA or Universal Credit) at 7.5%, ahead
of the county (5.9%) and national (6.3%) averages.90
Unemployment has risen 4% since March 2020 which is
the biggest rate rise along with Thanet at 4%.91
In line with most other Kent districts the largest level
of unemployment in terms of population age groups in
Gravesham is found amongst those aged 18-24 with 13.2%
unemployed as of April 2021, the second highest rate in
Kent and ahead of the county average (9.3%).92
The percentage of residents with no qualifications is
above Kent and South East averages.93
69.6% of the Gravesham population of 16 - 64-year-olds
were economically active. This compares to 78.9% in Kent,
81% in the South East, and 77.8% in UK.94
The number of unknown NEETs (young adults Not in
Education, Employment or Training) is highest in the
county at 6%.95 With the additional unknowns of the
pandemic, there is real concern that there will be a
growing NEET problem as young people drop out of
education and have very few options available to them.
In an economy that is seeing a surge in jobs related to
low-carbon and renewable energy sector and preparation
of young people for this type of future job market,
opportunities for such employment and work experience
in Gravesham is low.
Rise in unemployment
People aged 18-24 unemployed
as of April 2021 - second highest in Kent
The number of unknown NEETs highest in the county
4. Promotion of healthy lifestyles and volunteering
Gravesham has the lowest percentage of physically
active adults in the county at 59% which translates
into several health-related issues.96 65.1% of adults in
Gravesham are identified as overweight or obese, the
sixth highest rate in Kent and ahead of the national (62%)
As of 2019, 20.4% of all Year 6 (10-11) children in
Gravesham were identified as obese, the fourth highest
rate in Kent and ahead of the national average (20.2%).98
With volunteering in sport as the second lowest rate in
the county this contributes to a lack of opportunity to
participate in facilitated activities in Gravesham.
Hospital admissions for alcohol
related incidents is highest in the
5. Suicide prevention and promotion of quality of life
Gravesham has the third highest suicide rate in Kent100
and the third lowest percentage life satisfaction rate.101
7.5% people claiming unemployment benefits
Second highest rate in Kent