Garden House School ISI Report - Flipbook - Page 13
Educational Quality Inspection
the most appropriate resources. They make informed decisions and can be relied upon to make the
appropriate choice which will challenge them and allow them to make further progress. However, the
decision making abilities of older pupils are less well developed in lessons when opportunities to offer
them choices are limited.
3.20 Pupils’ understanding of how to stay safe and healthy in all its forms is highly developed. Their learning
in PSHE lessons ensures they know how to look after their bodies and how to stay safe online. They
have a clear understanding of healthy diets and healthy living and they make wise choices at lunch
times. A heightened awareness of a balanced plate was seen in a Year 2 science lesson when pupils
discussed their individual plates of food knowledgeably. They express their knowledge of cross
curricular links where health and safety is a focus and can give numerous examples in interview. Pupils
carry water bottles and know the importance of staying hydrated. They cross the road with safety and
care. Pupils respond extremely well to the provision for their mental health and speak appreciatively
of the school listeners and the provision of worry boxes, understanding the importance of mental wellbeing in their lives. They talk knowledgeably about inappropriate behaviours and state clearly that
they have never experienced or witnessed it.
© Independent Schools Inspectorate 2021
Garden House School – October 2021