FM 2023 complete (1) - Flipbook - Page 12
Driving force
Sorting and sourcing transport for any
team or campaign isn’t ever
straightforward. Many providers don’t
have a service that is nuanced for the
FMBE sector. Onwrd does, and has
embraced FMBE. We put the questions to
Onwrd MD Mark Thompson.
Yes – our average length of relationship is
8 years. As we have delivered more and
more flexibility (rental, leasing,
subscription even taxi services) we find it
easier to talk from an un-biased position.
any age limitations or additional costs at
the outset.
Securing adequate volumes of cars, given
the ongoing issues with availability.
Field marketing and brand
ONWRD has access to some 1,000+
vehicles from its sister-company
change or as day one of the
Mycardirect, then over 250,000 vehicles
from a UK-wide supplier network. On a
recent small project for 9 vans, we had to
utilise 5 different suppliers, due to
We make sure to qualify campaign needs availability and delivery areas. Our
in advance of offering up a budget. Often customer still paid the pre-agreed price
an enquiry starts for a small car and ends per day and D&C charges.
up as small van. We take a practical view Whatsortsofchallengeshas
i.e. what’s being carried? Weight,
packaging or packet size, will it fit in a car or event marketing team to
boot or does van with no windows work
better? If a retail campaign, would a side
We also help companies find more
loading door be beneficial for kerbside
specialist vehicles; HGV’s, chiller or
freezer vans, cherry pickers. On one
We also make sure that agencies check
occasion, our client couldn’t source a
that drivers are OK with manual vehicles. specific vehicle – so we bought one!
On the rare occasions that we provide
insurance, we make the agency aware of Whatadvantagesdoesitbringif
the vehicle supplier has previous
The benefit we bring to new customers
is the experience of issues we’ve
encountered in the past, from where
agencies didn’t properly qualify their
exact requirements, or understand their
driver population (locations, parking,
access etc.)
temperature check considers
where we are now and where
we need to be.
The report – a temperature
check 2022-2023: an
exploration of sustainable
progress in the UK event
industry – is the first of its
kind globally and reflects
isla’s mission to support the
events industry transition to
Net Zero.
Key areas include case studies
from BE agencies Amplify,
Momentum and The Creative
Engagement Group.
isla Climate Strategist and
report lead Rebecca Lardeur
Intent on providing actionfocused insights and guidance said: “This report breaks new
ground in event data. It is so
to align the industry on
much more than a collection
tackling event
of facts and figures. It is a
decarbonisation, this
coming together of an industry
that has collaborated to put
sustainability into practice and
ask hard questions. The report
shows where we stand,
potential bold steps to take
and how we can start defining
a future tomorrow.”
The report can be downloaded
from isla’s website.
Summer 2023
It’s really beneficial for all concerned –
the Team here feel engaged with the
client and it’s always fun to understand
the campaigns. Often our clients send up
samples of what they are promoting.
We’ve still go the coffee machine….!
We work really hard to help our contacts
understand challenges, provide up to date
industry information etc. so they can talk
with confidence and educate back to their
The downsides to a badly planned vehicle planners and account directors.
project are a) Unexpected or
We asked one of our customers, a major
unbudgeted costs; b) Field Staff
player in this field, why they decided to
downtime (and occasionally stock
work with us?
deterioration and c) client credibility –
“All I can say is that you dragged us out of
all of which can make or break a
sh!t when we couldn’t get our previous
Supplier to deliver the right vehicles on
DoagenciescomebacktoOnwrd time, and we’ve never looked back”.
Isla launches
Events industry sustainability
organisation isla announced
its transform report whilst
hosting speakers and guests
at the Nash Conservatory,
Kew Gardens.
building an agency-client
implied by logistical success?
Stop Press:
Moxy’s Pink
Picnic by Ignis
Just before finalising these pages FMBE paid a flying visit to see Moxy
Hotels engage with the celebration at Salford Pride’s Pink Picnic.
The promotion, a small footprint trailer offering competitions, glitterovers
and instant print photos was a pleasing hit in the June sunshine. The
experience was created by Ignis and was attached to a small but very
lovable Pride event.
It also gave us a chance to meet the Moxy greeters whilst looking ahead to
bright and sunny season of festivals for brand experience makers,
including a large number of vibrant Pride promotions.