Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 99
artists had an amusing afternoon pooling
opportunity to witness craftsmanship and
their ideas together to create their 昀椀nal
contemporary design up close. Exploring
the creations crafted by local artisans not
only expanded the pupils’ understanding
Inspirational trips for pupils studying
of design but also ignited their creative
Art and D&T occur across the year. In
sparks. They had the chance to engage
the Spring Term, Art scholars and a few
with skilled craftsmen and women, gaining
other artists also visited the Red House -
insights into their creative processes and
Benjamin Britten’s former home - where
their fusion of traditional techniques with
they had exclusive access to the house
innovative ideas.
as well as to the archives containing
costumes, headdresses, musical scores
Art and D&T scholars were also treated
and letters. Our artists then created
to an enlightening guest talk by the
presentations on three pieces of art, all
renowned artist and metalworker, James
of which were executed with excellent
Ewing, whose impressive portfolio
use of language, art speci昀椀c vocabulary,
includes crafting intricate pieces for
research and personal observations.
numerous TV and 昀椀lm productions. Mr
Ewing’s presentation o昀昀ered a captivating
Our Design & Technology pupils have also
glimpse into the intersection of art
bene昀椀ted from enrichment opportunities
and practical craftsmanship within the
this year. The Year 13 cohort visited
entertainment industry. His insights into the
the renowned London Victoria and
creative process, from conceptualisation
Albert Museum (V&A) and explored the
to the actualisation of intricate metalwork,
captivating ‘Carpenter’s Line’ exhibition
was inspiring for pupils who may not
at Japan House. This excursion was an
have considered the role of artistry and
opportunity for these young aspiring
craftsmanship in the world of TV and 昀椀lm.
designers to delve deeper into the world
of craftsmanship and innovation. At the
At the end of the Academic Year the wider
V&A, they immersed themselves in a rich
College community eagerly await the
tapestry of historical and contemporary
opportunity to see 昀椀rst-hand the creative
design, whilst the ‘Carpenter’s Line’
outputs of our Year 13 and Year 11 pupils
exhibition further heightened their
studying both Art and D&T. This year the
appreciation for the intricate and
quality of work on display in the End of
meticulous craftsmanship found in
Year Exhibition did not disappoint. It was
Japanese woodworking.
clear from the range of wonderful pieces
on display that each and every pupil had
D&T scholars equally had an inspiring
worked incredibly hard across their years
day as they visited the Su昀昀olk Craft
of study. They are all commended and
Society at the craft and creativity hub,
congratulated for their e昀昀orts. You can
Designmakers21 in Diss. This unique
view the virtual A-Level exhibition here
excursion provided pupils with an
and GCSE work here.