Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 96
fund in memory of Anna Airy. Airy is
2019. We wanted to help them to focus
also remembered as an inspirational
and as such, they completed their work for
teacher and the fund enabled the Society
Component 1 with a 15-hour mock exam.
to make awards to young artists whose
They coped exceptionally well and it
work had been selected for their annual
was interesting to see how many of them
open exhibition. Ipswich Art Society
wanted to work on a large scale or with
has continued to build on this tradition
installation and go on to make public art.”
by organising the annual exhibition for
students from local Sixth Forms and
Public art is a growing 昀椀eld of creativity,
Colleges and making awards to those
and the College fully supports pupils
who show outstanding potential.
in exploring external exhibition ideas.
Pupils’ experiences have ranged
Entry to the awards is advertised to
from record sleeves created by Wilf S
all College Sixth Form pupils. It gives
being photographed in a Martlesham
our pupils a fantastic opportunity to
record shop, and a dustbin full of
get their work seen and exhibited with
handmade rubbish created by Sasha N
other talented young artists from various
(as a comment on disposable society)
photographed on Aldeburgh beach. Lucy
B created a fashion billboard which she
Both Lyla and Maria were also featured
then took out to roundabouts and bus
in a Year 13 online showcase, hosted
stops, and Will L turned a giant collage
on the College website here, aimed to
into an outside installation as a comment
demonstrate the breadth of the artistic
on homelessness, having documented
talents for those in their 昀椀nal year of A
homeless people over many months.
Level study.
Our scholars are also the bene昀椀ciaries
of specialist trips and workshops. Both
As part of the Art and Design A Level,
enrichment experiences aim to target
pupils are asked to conduct a practical
areas of study not easily taught within the
investigation into an idea, issue, concept
con昀椀nes of class academic teaching or
or theme which demonstrates their ability
with current school facilities, and include:
to construct and develop a sustained line
specialist animation workshops, specialist
of reasoning from an initial starting point
textile workshops, cinematography,
to a 昀椀nal realisation. This means that the
sculpture and large scale printmaking.
work can follow in any direction and often
This year scholars tackled a Totem Heads
changes along the creative journey.
workshop, working in a team to create
Director of Art at Framlingham College,
their own totem pole of heads out of crank
Sue Tansley, commented on the pupils’
clay. The pieces were inspired by portraits
pieces saying: “This year has been such a
throughout history which have been made
creative journey for this cohort, the 昀椀rst to
of faces in stone, clay and wood, often
have Art and Design examinations since
with exaggerated features. The group of