Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 93
donated by the school community, to
produced survival blankets, all of which
make the life-saving blankets.
needed to be prepared and then carefully
assembled to create the 昀椀nished item.
This heart-warming endeavour not
Pupils, sta昀昀 and parents from across the
only showcases the creativity and
College diligently saved and donated
compassion of our young learners but also
their used packets to the initiative,
underscores our school’s commitment to
enabling the Craft Club members to make
sustainability e昀昀orts. By upcycling these
six 昀椀nished products which were then
seemingly mundane items, our pupils
provided to local homeless charities.
are playing an essential role in reducing
Art teacher Sarah Jones, who leads the
waste, conserving resources, and, most
Community Craft activity said: “The aim
importantly, making a positive impact on
of the Craft Club is to make, create, and
the lives of others.
assist our community. We decided to get
involved with the Crisp Packet Project to
help those in need keep warm this winter.
The Crisp Packet Project was founded by
Pen Huston in November 2019 after she
noticed that the local homeless charity she
Our community crafters have done a
volunteered for was always running out of
wonderful job, from promoting donations
sleeping bags. Noting that something as
to reaching the 昀椀nal stages of bonding the
simple as a crisp packet could help save
blankets together. They should be really
lives, help save the environment and bring
proud of themselves and I am pleased that
communities together, Pen’s crisp packet
the rest of their peers have been able to
designs were born and have become
see the end result on display before they
extremely popular with community groups
are given to people who need them.”
around the country.
Her mission for the Crisp Packet Project
• To give new life, new purpose, a new
beginning to one-use plastic waste.
• To bring people together to make and
create items which help combat lonliness
and give life purpose.
• To send survival items to people who
have nothing, are living on the streets,
living in war-torn countries and who
have experienced natural disasters.
Between 44 and 75 crisp packets are
required to make one of the College