Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 9
and history to good use, researching
pupils, not just in the deepening of
‘the rise and legacy of the mini skirt as a
knowledge and development of key
legacy of women’s liberation’.
skills, but also because of the contribution
its achievement can make to UCAS
For her HPQ, Mimi W chose to tackle the
applications. However, many pupils who
subject of ‘To what extent did the First
embark on the quali昀椀cation don’t end up
World War a昀昀ect women in the arts?’ and
completing their project.
explored challenging areas such as law,
politics and societal norms in the early
Talking about her motivation to sign up
20th century. Mimi’s project required
for the EPQ, Sophie said: “When Miss
complex research and analytical and
Cramner talked to us all about the EPQ,
evaluative skills, and she presented her
she basically explained that you can do it
chosen topic with con昀椀dence, handling
on pretty much whatever you want, and
di昀케cult questions from her assessor panel
as it contributes more UCAS points than an
like a true professional.
extra A-level, I thought why wouldn’t I do
it. In the end completing the quali昀椀cation
Year 13 Sophie L took the research
really bene昀椀ted me, especially when I
concept one step further with her EPQ
didn’t do quite as well in my exams as I
titled ‘The Recovery of Fashion After the
would’ve liked. But it can be hard and at
Second World War’. The EPQ o昀昀ers pupils
times really challenging which is why I
the choice of either composing a 5000-
think that not that many people actually
word essay or creating an artefact paired
昀椀nish their EPQs. Lots of people start and
with a shorter research paper. Sophie
then they give up.”
chose the latter, putting her passion and
appreciation for 1950’s fashion - inspired
Sophie herself faced challenges that
by movies such as the iconic Grease - to
almost led to her own project’s demise,
good use, inspiring her to make a stunning
particularly when she missed the initial
1950s-style dress, which she wore to her
deadline and found herself under immense
House Dinner in her 昀椀nal year.
pressure to meet the second one.
While Sophie’s passion for fashion and
The EPQ timeline usually includes
1950’s culture was evident, she had
completing the project by February
never ventured into the realm of clothing
of Year 13. Sophie chose to tackle her
creation before. She admitted: “I was in
artefact creation over the summer
the Girl Guides so had a little bit of hand
holidays between Year 12 and Year 13.
sewing experience but I’d never made
However, she found herself facing the
anything.” This ambitious project was a
formidable task of completing her essay
leap of faith, and Sophie was ready to
and 昀椀nalising the entire project in May, just
take the plunge.
before her exams began. The pressure
was palpable, but Sophie persevered.
The EPQ has tremendous bene昀椀ts for
She recalled: “I think it was the week