Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 85
of climate change, the importance of
combat the climate crisis. They also held
sustainable practices, and how we can all
numerous fundraising events, including
be part of potential solutions.
a fair-trade co昀昀ee morning for parents
to raise further funds for the school
One noteworthy event was a guest
presentation from Simone Rossouw, who
is the newly appointed Sustainability
Climate Crisis Week sparked a new wave
Coordinator for Urban Out昀椀tters. Pupils
of enthusiasm and involvement among the
had the opportunity to engage with
pupil body. By empowering their peers,
Simone and ask her about working in
our young eco-activists nurtured a culture
sustainable fashion, gaining valuable
of environmental consciousness that we
knowledge about the complexities of
hope will continue to be present at the
the climate crisis in a global and highly
in昀氀uential industry, and the solutions being
The school has also welcomed a number
implemented by the fashion world.
of expert guest speakers across the year,
At the Prep School, the Eco Committee
aimed to support our young activists
inspired younger children in the Pre-Prep
and arm them with relevant and up to
by giving an informative talk all about the
date information to help them in their
small things each child could do to help
environmental endeavours.