Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 8
Spirit of Inquiry
The essence of a thriving educational
topics. Both of which are essential for
institution lies in its ability to inspire and
pupils who engage in Higher Project
cultivate a deep-seated curiosity and
Quali昀椀cations (HPQs) and Extended
eagerness to learn amongst its pupils.
Project Quali昀椀cations (EPQs).
At Framlingham College, we take pride in
Both quali昀椀cations require pupils to
our dedication to nurturing this essential
delve deeply into a topic of their choice,
quality within our young people and our
fostering independence and a proactive
unwavering commitment to developing
approach to learning. By undertaking
lifelong learners who are adaptable,
these projects, pupils demonstrate an
informed, and able to navigate the
ability to formulate precise questions,
complex information landscape of the
explore complex ideas, and synthesise
modern world.
diverse information sources. The
process of planning, executing, and
During the 2022/23 academic year,
presenting their projects hones their
every corner of the College echoed
analytical and presentation skills, which
with the sound of inquisitive minds and
are crucial for higher education and
exhilarating journeys of intellectual
beyond. Additionally, the self-directed
nature of HPQs and EPQs nurtures time
management and organisational abilities.
We have provided pupils with the
opportunity to take part in a wide range
This year, 昀椀ve pupils showed initiative
of activities, projects, and initiatives to
and demonstrated a commitment to
pursue knowledge and understanding
learning beyond the standard curriculum,
with unwavering determination, and
developing their ability to work
celebrated the growth, achievement,
independently, tackle challenging inquiries
and personal development of so many of
and present their 昀椀ndings e昀昀ectively.
our pupils, from the very youngest to the
Tommy B devoted his e昀昀orts to the
development of a 昀椀shing game entitled
Fundamental to developing a child’s
‘Gloop Fishing’, made with the Unity
spirit of inquiry is the ability to question
game engine.
not just what they learn, but why and
Bella B tackled the complex realities of
how it applies to the world around them,
teenage mental health, with the creation
as well as zeal to explore subjects in
of ‘A Creative and User-Friendly Guide to
depth to satisfy their own interests and
Mental Health for Students Year 9-13’.
make connections between disparate
Eleanor C put her enthusiasm for fashion